Electrical training discount.

The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) is pleased to announce an exclusive arrangement with Mike Holt.  Mike's site at www.MikeHolt.com is the electrical industry's leading source of professional training and exam preparation products.  And now InterNACHI members receive special discounts from MikeHolt.com.  "For many home inspectors, electricity is one of those weak areas, second only to marketing," said Nick Gromicko, Executive Director of InterNACHI.  "Our relationship with MikeHolt.com will strengthen that weakness."  Mike Holt is a consultant to InterNACHI's Occupant Hazard Recognition Primer project and all Mike's training courses are InterNACHI approved for continuing education purposes.  "We are very exited about helping the best inspectors get even better," said Mike Holt.

Upon checkout from MikeHolt.com, InterNACHI members can enter the discount code "InterNACHI" (without the quotation marks) and receive a 20% discount.  This 20% InterNACHI discount applies to all products that Mike Holt produces.

This arrangement was initiated by member Joe Myers.
Visit:  www.MikeHolt.com  today.