Home Inspector Pre-Licensing and Field Training in North Carolina

Free Online 120-Hour Pre-Licensing Course

North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board approves InterNACHI's free, online 120-hour pre-licensing course. Click here to take the free online state-approved 120-hour pre-licensing course, which is a combination of several free online courses that add up to 120 hours.
Take the free course.

The online course approval from the state page is below:

120-Hour In-Person Pre-Licensing Class

North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board approves InterNACHI's 120-hour pre-licensing in-person class. Choose a class being offered by one of our training partners at www.nachi.org/northcarolina-home-inspection-classes.

The in-person class approval from the state page is below: View the class approval.

80-Hour Field Training and 10 On-Site Visits

North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board approves InterNACHI's 80-hour field training that includes ten on-site visits (practice home inspections). Find a training session being offered by one of our training partners at www.nachi.org/northcarolina-home-inspection-classes.

The on-site training approval from the state page is below:

View the training approval.

80-Hour Field Training with Partner Schools

Here's a list of InterNACHI's North Carolina Training Partners that provide 80-hour field training.

NC Training Partner Schools

North Carolina State Page

For everything you need to be a successful home inspector in North Carolina, visit nachi.org/northcarolina