Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing approves InterNACHI course.

From: "Yersavich, Thomas" <Thomas.Yersavich@com.state.oh.us>
Date: January 3, 2011 8:16:25 AM MST
To: <lisa@internachi.org>
Subject: Happy New Year - 2011 CE Course Information

Happy New Year:  2011 CE Course Information
Name : InterNACHI - Intern. Assoc. of Certified Home Inspectors                                                                    
User ID: 158740                                                                      Provider Number: RECE.2009002571
Password : 671699
Dear CE Provider:
Happy New Year!!! Please be aware that all 2010 Course Certification numbers have expired.
To download your 2011 Approvals and Certification numbers, please visit the website below use your User ID, and Password and set the Begin Date to 01/01/2011.
Downloading this information is the recommended method of attaining and reporting course information. It will enable you to: 1) Access all course information and 2) Merge correct data into documents such as certificates and sign-in sheets. Incorrect information on certificates causes a delay in licensing processing and may cause unnecessary license suspensions and/or additional fees. Please be aware, OHIO LAW REQUIRES THE RE-ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES with corrected certification numbers regardless of the cost to the provider.
The use of Correct Certification Numbers is critical in all correspondence with the Division of Real Estate. Please be aware that the Division of Real Estate registers more than 10,000 Continuing Education Classes each year. Each course has a specific certification number that uniquely identifies it within our system.  In any correspondence with the Division, please identify the certification number and name of the class as well as the date and time. This information assures that we can help you quickly and efficiently.
Courses renewed for use in 2011 but not yet scheduled will have a 12/31/10 class date and a location of: 1st Class of 2011 Not YET Scheduled - Complete Additional Course Offerings form and mail w/ $10 Fee - More Than 10 days PRIOR to holding class. Please use the additional course offering form and submit at least 10 days prior to the course date. Providers are encouraged to submit their course requests early so that they may confirm registration and approval well in advance of the class date.
The additional course offering form can be found at: http://www.com.ohio.gov/real/docs/real_COM__RE_Additional_Offering.pdf
Please be aware that CE Course review and registration is done in a “1st-In = 1st-Out fashion,” and the general rule is “Sooner in = Sooner out.”
NOTE: This is a mass email to all providers with an approved 2011 Course. There is no need to respond, however, as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Tom Yersavich
Education and Compliance Administrator
Ohio Department of Commerce
Division of Real Estate & Professional Licensing
77 S. High Street, 20th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6133
Ph (614) 466-3475
June 30, 2009

InterNACHI - Intern. Assoc. of Certified Home Inspectors
Endza, Lisa
1750 30th St.
Boulder, CO  80301
File Number:  RECE.2009002571   

Dear New Education Course Provider:

I am pleased to inform you that the course(s) you recently submitted to the Division of Real Estate for continuing education recognition has been approved. Information regarding approval of your initial course and all subsequent courses may be found at the Division of Real Estate’s website : http://www.com.state.oh.us/real/  under Education Providers under Continuing Education Course Approval.  Please use the User ID and Password listed above to access course information. NOTE: BE SURE TO USE X/X/XXXX as the BEGIN DATE.

As an approved course sponsor, there are several important administrative functions for which you are responsible:

1) Certificates of Attendance
All Continuing Education Providers are responsible for the creation and distribution of certificate of attendance to those that attend each class. The certificate must contain the official Certification Number, Class Name, Date, Location, and Approved Number of CE Hours. In addition each certificate must contain the name and license number of the attendee as well as sponsor information including name, name address, signature and date of issuance. A sample certificate may be found at the Division of Real Estate Website at: https://www.com.state.oh.us/real/app/attendcertre.pdf

2) Reporting Attendees to the Division of Real Estate
All Continuing Education Providers are required to submit a list of licensees that have successfully completed a course (course roster) using the Division’s Online Roster Entry Process. By law, rosters must be submitted within 15 days of the course completion. A letter with your User ID, Password is included with this letter and step-by-step instructions may be found at the Division of Real Estate Website at: http://www.com.state.oh.us/real/documents/Roster_Submission-Instructions.pdf
3) Attendance Verification and Record Keeping

All Continuing Education Providers are responsible for verification that each licensee receiving continuing education credit is physically present at least 90 percent of the class time. The use of an Attendance Sign-In Sheet is required for verification of attendance. The top of the Attendance Sign-In Sheet must list the following information: Course Name, Certification Number, Approved Number of CE Hours, Instructor(s), Date, Location and Start Time.

When arriving, class students should show a photo ID and complete the Attendance Sign-In Sheet (legibly). Sponsors may prepare sign in sheets with attendants’ information but attendants must at a minimum, place their signature on the form next to their information. A sample Attendance Sign-In Sheet may be found at the Division of Real Estate Website at: http://www.com.state.oh.us/real/app/reattn.pdf
All Continuing Education Providers are required to maintain complete and accurate records of course and attendees for SIX years, including the following:
A. Name of course, instructor(s), and a description of the course.
B. Certification number assigned by the Superintendent of the Ohio Division of Real Estate
C. Clock hours approved for continuing education credit.
D. Date(s) and location(s) course was offered.
E. Name, address, and signature of person who will verify the attendance of each person enrolled.
F. Name and address of each person enrolled in each course.
G. Clock hours when each licensee was in attendance.
H. Verification that each licensee receiving continuing education credit for the course was physically present at least 90 percent of the class time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (614) 466-3475 or  Thomas.Yersavich@com.state.oh.us

Tom Yersavich
Education and Compliance Administrator
Ohio Department of Commerce