Research Papers that Reference or Quote Nick Gromicko

  • Benjamin R. Harms
  • Heidi L. Bencin
  • Natasha B. Carr
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...orhinus townsendii ingens)-A 34-year assessment: Oklahoma Biological Survey, v. 11, no. 1, p. 1-16. Gromicko, N., 2019, Slash piles: International Association of Certified Home Inspectors web page, accessed July...
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  • Akhalwaya, Mohammed Faraaz
Reinforcement corrosion is the main cause of deterioration in concrete structures. Condition assessment tests help to predict whether reinforcement corrosion is occurring and aid in the prevention of its consequences. The results of these condition assessment tests can, however, be affected by certain factors. A set of experiments that included carrying out four of these tests, namely the half-cell potential (HCP), cover depth, carbonation and resistivity tests was performed on several concrete structures on upper campus at UCT. The half-cell potential and resistivity tests were carried out across a four-month period between August and November 2018 during both dry and wet periods and on days with different temperatures. This was done to assess how changing weather conditions can affect the test results. The results from these tests were also used to do a comparison between HCP and cover depth results and HCP and resistivity results. A second set of experiments involved taking cover depth measurements and cores for carbonation testing from different locations across a building and assessing how variations in measurement location and sample size can affect the results. The HCP and resistivity results showed changes due to the effects of rain and temperature. Rainy weather caused the values to become more negative, while dry weather led to more positive values. An increase in temperature showed a slight decrease in the values of both the half-cell potential and resistivity measurements. The changes suggest that using prescribed value ranges to interpret the risk of corrosion may prove to be too simplistic. Contour plots of the HCP results proved to be a more stable method for assessing reinforcement corrosion than using prescribed value ranges. The overall trend for the comparison between HCP and cover depth results showed that HCP values decrease as cover depths decrease. The comparison between HCP and resistivity results was expected to show an overall decrease in HCP values as resistivity values decrease, but this did not hold true for some of the test locations. The results of the cover depth analysis showed significant changes in calculated statistics due to both changes in location and sample size. A cover depth analysis should thus be widespread and include a large number of measurements in order to provide useful results. The variation in results for the carbonation testing was contradictory for the two buildings that were tested, with one building showing significant variations with measurement location and the other building showing very little variation
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...nt of Concrete Resistivity for Assessment of Corrosion. ACI Materials Journal , 96(5), pp. 536-541. Gromicko, N. & Shepard, K., 2006. Visual Inspection of Concrete. [Online] Available at:
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One of the factors that influence the energy projects’ performance is the atmospheric conditions. Atmospheric discharges are a recurrent and natural phenomenon, that for the energy sector, represent a risk for the system functioning due to the possibility of damage to the equipment or indirect impacts, such as fires and transmission system shutdown, interrupting the energy supply, and causing socioenvironmental and economic impacts. This article analyzed the effects of atmospheric discharges on tall structures of energy projects performance, namely on wind farms. For that purpose, a systematic literature review was developed, and as complementary data some examples of Brazilian Environmental Impact Assessments of new wind farms projects were verified, to demonstrate the need to consider this parameter on the energy projects assessment. Thus, this review showed that better-quality information about atmospheric discharges, as main causes of the breakdowns and factors which influence t...
...Melhorias e Providencias das Concessionarias de Transmissão ANEEL-Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil (2017) Gromicko, N. (n.d.). Wind Turbines and Lightning. InterNA- CHIR.
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  • Karatas, Aslihan
The sustainability of housing units can be improved by optimizing their social, environmental, and economic performances. The integration of green building equipment and systems such as geothermal heat pumps and water-efficient faucets often improves the social and environmental performances of housing units; however they can increase their initial cost and life cycle cost. Therefore, decision-makers need to carefully analyze and optimize the potential tradeoffs between the social, environmental, and economic performances of housing units. The main goal of this study is to develop novel multi-objective models for optimizing the sustainability of single-family housing units that represent 66% of the residential housing inventory in the US. To accomplish this goal, the research objectives of this study are to develop (1) an innovative housing social impact model that is capable of generating and analyzing optimal tradeoffs between the social quality of life for housing residents and the life cycle cost of housing; (2) a novel housing environmental performance model for maximizing the environmental performance of housing units while minimizing their initial cost; (3) a multi-objective optimization model that provides the capability of generating optimal tradeoffs among the three housing sustainability objectives of social quality-of-life, environmental performance, and life cycle cost; and (4) a scalable and expandable parallel computing framework that provides the capability of reducing the computational time of optimizing housing sustainability decisions and transforming this optimization problem from an intractable problem to a feasible and practical one. The performances of these developed models and framework were analyzed and refined using case studies of single-family housing units. The results of these performance evaluations illustrated that the developed optimization models were capable of generating a wide range of optimal solutions, where each identifies an optimal configuration of design and construction decisions that provides an optimal tradeoff among the three housing sustainability objectives. These novel research models and framework are expected to enhance the current practice of housing design and construction and contribute to maximizing the sustainability of single-family housing units.U of I OnlyU of I only access embargo extension requested by author. Approved by L. Spradlin at Embargo restriction placed by 2015-12-21
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...timization, and machine learning." Grey, S. (2012). "The Types of Metal Stud Walls." (10/02, 2012). Gromicko, N., and Shepard, K. (2012). "Roofing Underlayment Types." <
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  • B. Meng
  • R.C.G.M. Loonen
  • J.L.M. Hensen
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...n string based PV arrays. Sol. Energy 86, 3364-3377. Gromicko, N., CMI, Gromicko, B., 2013. Measuring Roof Slope and Pitch [WWW Document]. URL
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  • Gary Hodgden
Questions over reproducibility of radon measurements seem to permeate most radon controversies. Such questions are a cornerstone for misinformation and dismissing the radon risk message. The infancy period from 1986 - 1993 produced funded research with astounding technical expertise on all aspects of radon. During this infancy, many random pieces of information were presented. But over the years, a distilling of information has occurred.
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...Denver, CO. 1993 D.O.E. Policy Statement. AARST National Symposium. Denver, CO. 1988 B.L. Cohen and N. Gromicko "Variations of radon Levels in US homes with various factors'.. AARST National Symposium, Denver, C...
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One of the factors that influence the energy projects’ performance is the atmospheric conditions. Atmospheric discharges are a recurrent and natural phenomenon, that for the energy sector, represent a risk for the system functioning due to the possibility of damage to the equipment or indirect impacts, such as fires and transmission system shutdown, interrupting the energy supply, and causing socioenvironmental and economic impacts. This article analyzed the effects of atmospheric discharges on tall structures of energy projects performance, namely on wind farms. For that purpose, a systematic literature review was developed, and as complementary data some examples of Brazilian Environmental Impact Assessments of new wind farms projects were verified, to demonstrate the need to consider this parameter on the energy projects assessment. Thus, this review showed that better-quality information about atmospheric discharges, as main causes of the breakdowns and factors which influence t...
...Melhorias e Providencias das Concessionarias de Transmissão ANEEL-Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil (2017) Gromicko, N. (n.d.). Wind Turbines and Lightning. InterNA- CHIR.
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  • Douglas Go Nose
  • George W. Mushrush
  • Stephen Kline
The ability of activated charcoal and alpha-track radon monitors to estimate annual concentrations is a consequence of the measurement interval over which either type of monitor is used. In a case study of several hundred homes in Virginia and Maryland, a k 90 % uncertainty must be applied to single charcoal measurements to estimate the annual radon concentrations, and a * 50 % uncertainty must be applied to three-month alpha-track measurements (90% confidence levels).
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...54: 195, 1988. Health Physics 50: 828, 1986. CharcoaltoAnnual Number 2. 3. 4. Cohen, B. L., and Gromicko, N. Adequacy of time averaging with diffusion barrier charcoal adsorption collectors for radon0222 mea...
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  • Kelsey Henneberry
  • Shannon Hilland
  • S Kimberly Haslam
The aim of this review is to explore dental hygienists' risk for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and to describe the current hearing protection options.
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...]. 2018. Available from: niosh/topics/noise/reducenoiseexposure/adminppe.html. Gromicko N. Construction Methods and Materials for Noise Control [Internet]. Boulder (CO): International Assoc...
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  • Jhimmy Calvache
El presente documento contiene el estudio de riesgos asociados a la vulnerabilidad física de la infraestructura primaria, secundaria, accesorios del acueducto San Vicente de Luzón, localizado en el municipio de Orito. El modelo de informe se orienta de manera que se reconoce las condiciones físicas-ambientales presentes en el sector donde se capta y distribuye los diferentes componentes del sistema, así mismo, como las garantías antropo-ambientales para la continuidad, calidad y permanencia del caudal para el periodo de diseño propuesto. La metodología del estudio se elaboró en concordancia con lo establecido en la Ley 1523 de 2012 (Congreso de la República de Colombia, 2012) , por medio del cual se establece el Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastre, así mismo, la aplicación de la guía de criterios y actividades mínimas de los estudios de riesgo, programas de reducción de riesgo y planes de contingencia de los sistemas de suministro de agua para consumo humano, ordenada mediante la Resolución 0549 de 2017 (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social & Ministerio de Vivienda Ciudad y Territorio, 2017) y la herramienta Guía para la gestión del riesgo en sistemas de agua y saneamiento ante amenazas naturales del BID (Arteaga Galarza & Ordóñez Arízaga, 2019) .
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...O DE GUATAVITA Y LA FORMULACION DE LAS ACCIONES A TOMAR PARA ATENUARLAS O ELIMINARLAS. 3(2), 54-67. Gromicko, N. (2006, July 14). Invasión de Murciélagos -InterNACHI®. Retrieved December 4, 2020, from https://ww...
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  • Monica K. Carty
In rural regions around the world, 1.7 billion people rely on public taps, hand-pumps, protected wells, protected springs, and rainwater for clean drinking water. Up to the present, there has been little focus on how training programs in communities receiving the water points fit into the overall picture of sustainability. Many factors of sustainability such as financial management and operation, and governance of the water point are dependent on human skill, which are often first exposed to a community through training programs. To understand better how trainings affect the sustainability of water points, I sent surveys to personnel from NGOs who have worked as trainers in water development projects in Senegal, Malawi, Honduras, and India. I also conducted surveys and focus groups with NGO personnel and the community members who went through their trainings in three villages in Senegal. I then compared perspectives of trainers and community members using Grounded Theory, facilitated by using Nvivo 10. The results of all four countries' results from NGO personnel showed that the central themes found in responses were management, community, knowledge, NGO and community relations, and the trainer-learner relationship. Comparing the central themes of the trainers and learners in Senegal, the two groups' responses showed that mutually tied themes were knowledge, management, mechanical, and profits/finances. In order to improve training to make water points more sustainable, I recommend that NGOs consider how people trained will relate to the rest of the community, and furthermore, see how the trainings and information learned will function in the community after the NGO leaves the community.
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...s for Qualitiative Research . Chicago , IL: University of California, San Fransisco Medical Center. Gromicko, N. (2013). Hand-Dug Well Inspection. Retrieved from InterNACHI:
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  • Lopes, Paulo Alexandre Coelho
A presente dissertação tem como objetivos o desenvolvimento de ferramentas e procedimentos para a deteção de anomalias em estruturas de betão armado de forma semi automatizada recorrendo a técnicas de Deep Learning. Das várias anomalias que podem ser encontradas em estruturas de betão armado, destacam-se neste documento as fissuras e as armaduras expostas, para as quais foi desenvolvido um método alternativo de inspeção, baseado no processamento avançado de imagens, de modo a determinar se seria viável e vantajosa a substituição deste método pelo método de inspeção visual tradicional. As ferramentas desenvolvidas assentam em técnicas de Inteligência Artificial, em particilar as redes neuronais convolucionais (RNC), mais concretamente na utilização do transfer learning recorrendo à RNC Alexnet. Foram conduzidas experiências em diversas construções de modo a aferir a eficiência do método, recorrendo a veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANT), e em condições de acesso condicionado. Os resultados obtidos mostram ser bastante promissores, sendo previsível que do aprimoramento do método, possa resultar na adoção desta tecnologia como auxiliar nas inspeções visuais num futuro próximo.This dissertation aim is to develop tools and procedures for the detection of anomalies in reinforced concrete structures in a semi-automated way using Deep-Learning techniques. Of the various anomalies that can be found in reinforced concrete structures, this document highlights the exposed rebars and cracks, for which an alternative inspection method was developed, based in advanced image processing, in order to determine whether it would be feasible and advantageous to replace this method with the traditional visual inspection method. The tools developed are based on artificial intelligence techniques, in particular, convolutional neural networks (CNN), more specifically in the use of transfer-learning using the CNN Alexnet. Experiments were conducted in several constructions in order to assess the efficiency of the method, using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), under conditions of conditioned access. The results show to be quite promising, and it is foreseeable that its improvement may result in the adoption of this technology for aid in visual inspections in the near future
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...20 de Setembro de 2020]. Disponível em Gromicko, N., Shepard, K. and Cyr, M. (2014) Visual Inspection of Concrete, [Online], Disponível em: http://www...
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  • Ludfi, Risma Indriya
Pembangunan dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya pemampatan tanah akibat adanya beban tetap dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Dalam suatu pembangunan konstruksi, perlu diperhatikan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kontruksi salah satunya adalah settlement atau penurunan elevasi tanah dasar yang disebabkan oleh lapisan tanah yang mengalami pembebanan di atasnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa terjadinya settlement bangunan di Kampus ITS Sukolilo karena banyaknya pembangunan di lokasi yang dapat memberikan dampak pada lapisan tanah seiring dengan waktu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan pengukuran beda tinggi dengan membandingkan elevasi bangunan pada tiga bulan terakhir. Dari hasil penelitian, menunjukan bahwa bangunan bertingkat di Kampus ITS Sukolilo mayoritas mengalami penurunan elevasi. Bangunan yang mengalami penurunan elevasi setiap bulan adalah Perpustakaan, Gedung Rektorat, Teknik Fisika, Biologi, dan Teknik Elektro. Sedangkan Teknik Geomatika, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Sipil, dan Kimia mengalami penurunan dan mengalami kenaikan pada bulan selanjutnya. Teknik Fisika adalah bangunan yang mengalami penurunan terbesar, yaitu -0,045 m, dan Teknik Sipil adalah bangunan yang mengalami kenaikan terbesar sebesar +0,035 m. ======================================================================================================== Development can lead to the occurrence of soil compression due to the load remains within a certain period. In a construction, to note matters relating to construction, one of which was a settlement or a decline in soil base elevation caused by layers of soil that suffered the imposition on it. The purpose of this research is to analyze the occurrence of settlement building on ITS Campus Sukolilo due to construction on site that can give impact on the soil over time. This research was conducted by doing the measurement difference by comparing the high elevation of the building in the last three months. From the results of research, showed that building on the campus of the ITS Sukolilo majority experiencing a decrease in elevation. The building suffered a drop in elevation of each month is the library, the building Moved, engineering, biology, Physics and electrical engineering. While Geomatics Engineering, environmental engineering, civil engineering, and chemical degradation and increase next month. Engineering Physics are building the biggest decline, IE-0.045 m, and civil engineering is building the largest increase of + 0.035 m
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...Braja M. 2002. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering - 5 th Edition. Three Lakes: Cole Publishing. Gromicko, N., Shepard, K. 2017. Visual Inspection of Concrete, <URL: inspection-co...
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...Acad. Emergency Med., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 31-34, Jan. 1998, doi: 10.1111/J.1553-2712.1998.TB02571.X. N. Gromicko and K. Shepard. (2021). Ladder Safety. Accessed: Sep. 21, 2021. [Online]. Available:
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  • Abdullah, Al-Mamoon
The indoor condition of a building is one of the most important concerns for the occupants which is affected by climatic conditions. During a typical summer day, solar radiation heats up a building through the windows, walls, doors and especially the roof. To maintain indoor comfort during the summer, the heat gained must be removed by a cooling system. The energy is used for cooling purposes to make indoor comfort for the building’s occupants. As a result, energy savings is a major focus in building design and requires systematic investigations. It is suggested to make a proper roof design to ensure a comfortable temperature inside a building. The main aim of this research is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the design concept on the impact of air gaps driven by forced ventilation effects to reduce the attic temperature. This temperature reduction contributes to the enhancement of the comfort of the residents. In this study, eight different indoor roof models were designed and experiments were carried out by using solar simulator. Their performances were evaluated among the roof designs regarding the attic temperature reduction. The main feature of the roof model is an Aluminum and PVC tubes (which act as a moving-air path), placed on the underside of the roof. The roof inclination angle was 30º to the horizontal. An insulation layer and ventilation fans were integrated with the roof. These ventilation fans can help to remove the hot air to the surroundings. The thermal performances of the roof models were evaluated by measuring the reduction in attic temperature for each of the roof designs compared with a standard Design-A as a baseline. Among all the designs, it was found that Design-H is 8.99 % more efficient in attic temperature reduction than the standard roof Design-A due to metal roof, insulation, MAP (moving-air path) and ventilation fan which contribute to the decrease in the heat flow. The Design-H which consisted of an insulation layer, fans (airflow in moving-air path, Vair = 1 – 1.9 m/s) and PVC tubes showed a significant improvement in the reduction in attic temperature of 3.2 ºC compared with the conventional roof model (33.7 ºC in the attic). The theoretical calculation showed that the annual energy savings can be as high as 37.35 kWh/m2 by using optimum conditions in roof design. The annual cost saving of energy per unit of area is increased by up to US$ 2.24/m2 by using roof Design-H. Furthermore, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is applied as a soft-computing method to determine the predominant variables that affect the thermal comfort in the building. Five input parameters were used to compute the output parameter which is the attic temperature. The outcome of this method showed that the combination of mass flow rate and ambient temperature is the primary factor and has the best predictor accuracy for thermal comfort in the building. All of these significant findings indicate that the cooling system in the roof provides a new design paradigm with greater temperature reduction and reduces the annual energy consumption
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...e Energy Reviews, 16(7), 4708-4718. doi: Shepard K., & Gromicko N. (2016). Mastering Roof Inspections: Attic Ventilation Systems, Part 2 Retrieved February 2016, fro...
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A inspeção e monitorização de estruturas de betão armado ainda implica atualmente tempos de execução alargados e um número considerável de meios humanos e mecânicos, os quais acarretam custos consideráveis para as entidades que têm a seu cargo estas estruturas. Com o intuito de automatizar este processo e torná-lo mais célere e económico, pretende-se aperfeiçoar ferramentas baseadas em redes neuronais convolucionais associadas ao processamento de imagens captadas por intermédio de veículos aéreos não tripulados, permitindo que este método seja uma mais-valia e uma nova forma de pensar e executar a inspeção e monitorização de estruturas em betão amado. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a identificação e caracterização de uma das anomalias de estruturas de betão armado, as fissuras. No decorrer deste estudo foram efetuados diversos testes de validação da metodologia aplicada e os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que as ferramentas desenvolvidas garantem uma abordagem robusta e re...
...enharia Civil, 2012. ISBN 978-972-49-0326-2. Disponível em mini/specs Gromicko, N., Shepard, K. and Cyr, M. (2014) Visual Inspection of Concrete, [Online], Disponível em: http://www...
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...Acad. Emergency Med., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 31-34, Jan. 1998, doi: 10.1111/J.1553-2712.1998.TB02571.X. N. Gromicko and K. Shepard. (2021). Ladder Safety. Accessed: Sep. 21, 2021. [Online]. Available:
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Clerestory windows are one of the best ways to increase the penetration of light in Low-rise buildings. However, in rainy climates with cloudy skies, receiving daylight will be more critical. Since the physical component of buildings in this climate varies according to the type of roof slope, the shape of the interior roof, and the plan's geometry. The fundamental question is: What physical characteristics can receive the maximum light from the Clerestory window in Pitched low-rise buildings? The research aimed to investigate the potential of Clerestory to improve daylight in a Pitched-roof. In the present study, Rhino software was used to design 3D models, and the Diva plugin in Grasshopper software was used to evaluate the "daylight factor." Data indicate that; regardless of the geometry of the plan and form of internal reflection, the most effective component is the "roof slope ratio," which creates the most significant change in interior lighting. Moreover, the 18-degree roof slope with a ceiling ratio (4-12) is the best efficiency, and provides 3.3% (A.DF) among the various. By considering the slope of the roof component and the shape of the interior reflector, the geometry of the square plan creates more appropriate daylight in the interior space.
...ndoors in Guilan, Journal of Renewable and New Energy, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 46-57, 2020. (in Persian) N. Gromicko, B. Gromicko, Measuring Roof Slope and Pitch, National Association of Certified Home Inspectors, 20...
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...operties of Industrial Materials, ninth edition ed. Van Nostrand Rein- hold, 1996, iSBN 0132047674. N. Gromicko, "Sewer gases in the home," 2006, home.html. NIOSH, "Volunteer fi...
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...t, L.; Wang, D. 2013. Architectural Research Methods. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Gromicko, N.; Shepard, K. 2015. History of Concrete. [Interaktyvus, žiūrėta 2018-08-05]. Internetinė prieiga: h...
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  • Rocio Fonseca Chamorro
  • At The
  • Wanda J Orlikowski
  • Stephen J. Sacca
  • Rocio Fonseca Chamorro
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This mention was found in a paper hosted outside of customer-relationship-management#.Uz7vHaldWOF Gromicko, N. (2012, October 15). The Small House Movement. Retrieved January 16, 2014, from InterNACHI: http://...
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...ure content of building materials," Constr. Build. Mater., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 327- 333, Jan. 2012. N. Gromicko and K. Shepard, "Moisture Meters for Inspectors," 2013. [Online]. Available:
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  • Rachel Nicole Bergstresser
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...cess in Delaware Valley Folk Building. The University of Chicago Press Journals, Chicago, Illinois. Gromicko, Nick and Ben. Building Orientation for Optimum Energy. Electronic document,
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  • Nico Zuffoletti
  • Sana McMurray
  • Acree McDowell
Housing insulation is the material in any structure that acts as a thermal barrier, provides heat dampening around electrical components and serves as a fire retardant. Often, housing insulation is treated with chemicals in order to make it fire resistant. Unfortunately, during a fire, these chemicals off-gas, creating an unnecessarily toxic environment for victims and first responders. This research seeks to develop a housing insulation that is environmentally safe and non-carcinogenic while still serving as an effective fire retardant. The original concept of a fire-retardant protein came from the University of Mingdao’s 2015 iGEM project. They developed a protein, which is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, that proved to be effective in diffusing a combustion reaction. This current research will insert the gene that encodes this protein into a plasmid and transform the plasmid into Escherichia coli BL21. The extracted protein will be used in conjunction with bacterial cellulose, an environmentally friendly byproduct in the production of kombucha, that will be pulped, dried, and aerated until it reaches the desired consistency to be used as insulation. After being combined with the protein, the insulation will be tested for its fire-resistant properties.
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...riculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2014;2:113-119. Available from: Gromicko N, Shepard K. Fiberglass Insulation: History, Hazards and Alternatives [Internet]. [cited 2017 Jan 29...
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  • Cristian Hernando Rivera Moyano
  • Wilmar David Díaz Ramírez
El presente artículo muestra una investigación realizada frente a las leyes de protección y manejo del asbesto, así como los diversos proyectos de ley realizados en Colombia para la prohibición del mismo. Dichas investigaciones se desarrollaron durante el año 2016 al mismo tiempo que se proponía por sexta vez, una ley cuyo objetivo era el de prohibir el uso de esta fibra en Colombia. El debate se desarrolló en la comisión séptima del senado y en éste se tuvo como referente la prohibición que yace sobre este material en más de 55 países, sin embargo, el proyecto de ley no contó con suficiente respaldo y se denegó una vez más.En Colombia, se calcula que mueren cerca de 320 personas al año por causa de alguna enfermedad relacionada con el asbesto, por ello se busca conocer cuáles son las leyes y derechos que cubren a las personas afectas, así como a quienes tienen contacto indirecto con esta fibra mortal.
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...eficios en la industria ya señalados, tenía también muchos perjuicios especialmente para la salud. (Gromicko, N., Ward, E.) Las investigaciones dieron a conocer una revelación muy importante con respecto al asbe...
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..., Dec. 2001. R. J. Lewis, Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 12th ed. Wiley, 2010. N. Gromicko, "Sewer gases in the home," 2006, home.html. T. Hindu, "Deaths in...
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  • Qiuwu Xiao
...................................................................................................................................... i Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... ii Table of
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...A. Simulia. (2011). ABAQUS analysis user's manual (Version 6.11), Dassault Systemes. Shepard, K and Gromicko, N. (2009). Master Roof Inspections: Wood Shakes and Shingles, Part 1,
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  • Ashok Kumar
The indoor radon concentration in 125 houses was investigated in six 100 square kilometer areas in Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Erie-Huron, Franklin, Pike, and Logan counties in the state of Ohio, U.S.A. All six study areas were located within the outcrop of the uraniferous rock formation known as the Ohio "black" Shale. For each house the thickness of the sediment overburden above the Ohio Shale was determined as were also numerous parameters relating to the design, construction, and maintenance of the house. Multivariate stepwise regression analyses were performed with indoor radon concentration as the response variable, and the house and geological parameters as the predictor variables. The resulting regression equations are screening models that can be
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... Map of Ohio: Division of Geological Survey, Ohio. Department of Natural Resources. Cohen, B.L. and Gromicko, N . (1988): Variation of Radon Levels in U.S. Homes With Various Factors. Journal of the Air Pollutio...
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  • Rebecca L Ponder
Abstract : Insulated Concrete Forms are a block style construction material more typically comprised of expanded polystyrene which fit together and are filled with reinforced concrete to construct the exterior wall systems of a building. By design, this material provides a higher level of insulation and greater structural integrity that stands up to damaging winds, fire, and explosive blasts. This study shows that utilizing this material is not the most cost effective material choice when constructing new facilities, however, it does reduce energy consumption and contributes towards total energy reduction goals established by the Department of Defense. This study also showed there are multiple barriers preventing increased use of Insulated Concrete Forms to include a lack of knowledge of the advantages of this material, a resistance to change from more traditional materials, and to some degree the increased initial cost of utilizing this material. This study concludes there is merit in considering Insulated Concrete Forms for use in sustainable military construction.
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...using: A Comparision of Insulating Concrete Form and Wood Frame Walls. Portland Cement Association. Gromicko, N., & Wart, E. (2014). Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient Ratings for Windows. Retrieved from InterNACHI: ht...
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.... Byrne and M. Malkin, "Field Performance Assessment of Wind Turbine Lightning Protection Systems." N. Gromicko, "Tree Dangers-Int'l Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI)," International Associat...
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  • Yusuf Al Aziz
PT Petrokimia Gresik are fertilizers producer and hazardous chemicals manufacturer in Indonesia. Its products vary from a wide range of fertilizers up to hazardous chemical such as Ammonia. The outcome of fire hazard identification from Risk Management Department of PT Petrokimia Gresik indicates that Ammonia Production Unit has high probability to be caught on fire (high risk), on which its number of fire occurrences are high (frequently), and its impact is also disastrous (catastrophic). The data showed that 11 cases of fires have occurred in the last 5 years (2009-2013). Although the company has implemented a fire protection system, it has not evaluated its level of compliance yet. This study was conducted to analyze the compliance level of fire protection system for building and environment at Ammonia Production Unit of PT Petrokimia Gresik in 2014 by using standards reference of Permen PU No. 26/PRT/M/2008, Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). This is a qualitative study using the observation methods, in depth interview, and document review. The informants of this study are one person as a key informant, 5 people as main informants, and 4 people as proponent informants. This study was conducted from April to July 2014. The result showed that the compliance level of fire protection system for building and environment in Ammonia Production Unit is equal to 74,22%. It can be implied that most of the components of fire protection system have been complied, but
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...ess, Andrew dan Martin Muckett. 2007. Introduction to Fire Safety Management. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd. Gromicko, Nick dan Kenton Shepard. 1998. Maintenance and Testing of Portable Fire Extinguishers. Ontario: Queens U...
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  • Brian David Baggaley
  • Daniel H Sanderson
  • David Rubenstein
  • Max Boileau Kinney
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...rt.htm Granta, Material Science (2014). CES EduPack [computer software]. United Kingdom: Cambridge. Gromicko, N., & Shepard, K. (2015). The History of Concrete. Retrieved from
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  • Miriam Leire Herrero
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...teorological and Hydrological Institute. STRÅNG model. Published May 2013, Last updated April 2014. Gromicko, N. and E. Ward, Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient ratings for windows. 2008.
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  • Wei Kai Wong
The performance of mortar can be improved by introducing polymer modified cement additive. People in the industry do not have sufficient knowledge on PMM. Besides, most of the previous research was done in other country but not in Malaysia perspective. This research was carried out to determine the optimum percentage of PMM mixed by SBR-Latex and make comparison with the market available polymer modified cement additive in Malaysia. This research consist of 2 phases, first phases involved determination of Optimum percentage by 3 variable which is 5%, 10% and 15% of SBR-Latex added based on the weight of cement. Water cement ratio applied is 0.4 with cement sand ratio 1:3 in phase 1. After obtaining the optimum percentage, the samples were then compared with the market samples in phase 2. Flow table test was conducted to determine the workability of PMM. Mechanical test include compressive strength test, flexural strength test and UPV test. Intrinsic air permeability test, water absorption test, porosity test and water absorption test were carried out to determine the durability properties of PMM. In the first phase, the optimum percentage obtained is 11.5%. Higher percentage of polymer gain higher workability, lower permeability and lower compressive strength. In phase two, Pentens with 8% polymer added and 0.3 water cement ratio has overall better performance compared with Optimum, CMI and Sika.
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... cement is hardens underwater. A Kilns were built to supply mortar for their construction work use (Nick Gromicko, 2014). Around 3000 BC, the ancient Egyptians developed brick that made mum by mixing stay together...
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  • M. Jackowski
  • M. Małek
  • W. Zyciński
  • W. Lasica
  • M. Owczarek
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... 13 14 102616-8.00017-4 15 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 3, 355–358 N. Gromicko, K. Shepard, The History of Concrete,, ...
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...rg/clean_energy/our-energy-choices/ renewable-energy/environmental-impacts-solar-power.html〉; 2013. Gromicko Nick. Advantages of solar energy. Available at: 〈http://www.nachi. org/advantages-solar-energy.htm〉; 201...
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  • John R Doyle
  • Carolyn Harper
  • Sam M.S Keith
  • Moiz Mumtaz
  • Oscar Tarrago
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... of radon dose to the critical cells of the respiratory tract. Health Phys 70(5):695-705. Cohen BL, Gromicko N. 1988. Adequacy of time averaging with diffusion barrier charcoal adsorption collectors for 222 Rn ...
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Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of energy sources and considered as a green source of energy. Solar energy benefit ranges from low carbon emission, no fossil fuel requirement, long term solar resources, less payback time and other. However like other power generation sources, solar energy has also some Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) concerns. This paper presents the overview of solar energy technologies and addresses the SHE impact of solar energy technologies to the sustainability of human activities. This paper will also recommend the possible ways to reduce the effect of potential hazards of widespread use of solar energy technologies.
...rg/clean_energy/our-energy-choices/ renewable-energy/environmental-impacts-solar-power.html〉; 2013. Gromicko Nick. Advantages of solar energy. Available at: 〈http://www.nachi. org/advantages-solar-energy.htm〉; 201...
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Human fatalities in the sewer have been reported due to higher proportion of toxic gases in the manhole. The toxic gases like methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide etc. can cause intense damage to human parts even leading to death. Hence predetermination of these gases is of vital importance. Analyzing the toxicity of gases is a crucial task and it has to take place with minimum time which can save a life. A machine learning based sensor system is designed to prevent such fatalities. A collection of gas sensors are being used to sense the manhole gases. The dataset is trained using different algorithms. A predictive model is designed to classify the state (safe/unsafe) of the manhole. To design such a prediction model, different algorithms were used and their performances were compared over the collected dataset. In present chapter the performance of various algorithms on such a real world problem was studied. From the comprehensive study the algorithm which produces higher accuracy and lesser error rate is chosen for the application.
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...Properties of Industrial Materials, ninth edition ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996, iSBN 0132047674. N. Gromicko, "Sewer gases in the home," 2006, D.-S. Lee, S.-W. Ban, ...
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  • William J. Fisk
  • Brett C. Singer
  • Wanyu R. Chan
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...quatra J. Energy efficiency and radon risks in residential housing. Energy. 1990;15:81-9. Cohen BL, Gromicko N. Variation of radon levels in US homes with various factors. Journal of the Air Pollution Control A...
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...rgy-modeling/ Farr, D. (2008). Sustainable urbanism: urban design with nature. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Gromicko, N., & Gromicko, B. (n.d.). Building Ori- entation for Optimum Energy [Organization]. Kelbaugh, D. (20...
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Sport as a metaphor and analogy for business is dominating in most economic articles and plays an utmost role in business communication revealing implied meanings of tough competitiveness. The aim of our study was to review the main arguments of drawing parallels between sports and business, as most people regard the former as an equivalent of business rivalry. The results of the article disclosed the major sport metaphors that are commonly used in business by analyzing which sport they originate from and interpreted their metaphorical implications. Grounded on cognitive approach sport metaphors are identified as powerful figurative devices to perceive abstract business concepts by way of more concrete ones.
... URL: 3. Gromicko N. The History of Concrete / N. Gromicko, K. Shepard // InterNACHI [Electronic resource] URL:
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  • Carol Zastavniouk
  • Chiara Secules
  • Elizabeth Marsh
  • Harriet Kim
  • Kirk Wright
  • Maida Hadziosmanovic
  • Tal Cantor
McGill Food and Dining Services (MFDS) have, over the past three years, progressed as a leader in sustainable practices at McGill University. Increased expectations for sustainable management have pushed Executive Chef Oliver deVolpi to assess energy efficiency at the Bishop Mountain Hall (BMH) and Royal
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...ty Coordinator) Meeting about Composting Opportunities. MSE Building, Downtown. September 25, 2012. Gromicko, Nick and Rob London. "Deep Fryer Inspection" International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. Las...
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Sport as a metaphor and analogy for business is dominating in most economic articles and plays an utmost role in business communication revealing implied meanings of tough competitiveness. The aim of our study was to review the main arguments of drawing parallels between sports and business, as most people regard the former as an equivalent of business rivalry. The results of the article disclosed the major sport metaphors that are commonly used in business by analyzing which sport they originate from and interpreted their metaphorical implications. Grounded on cognitive approach sport metaphors are identified as powerful figurative devices to perceive abstract business concepts by way of more concrete ones.
... URL: 3. Gromicko N. The History of Concrete / N. Gromicko, K. Shepard // InterNACHI [Electronic resource] URL:
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The proposed project is the idea of the researcher which addresses the needs of the community of having a less fuel, less pollutant and less worry about the source of electricity. This paper is a proposal for possible solution on the fuel shortage in the market and global warming. It includes the lay-outing, designing and identifying components for the proposed project. Components of the Portable Self-Sustainable Electric Generator have been identified. The researcher came up with a final design with the components’ configuration and specifications. Hopefully, the development of this project has been recommended. Keywords : Portable, Generator, Sustain, Electric motor
...ble Energy for Home, Farm and Business. United States of America: Chelsea Green Publishing Company. Gromicko, N. (n.d.). InterNACHI: Inspecting the World. Retrieved May 6, 2013, from Generator Hazards and Inspec...
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  • Riley Whipkey
  • Roger Turlington
  • Benjamin Goldberg
  • Jameson Catlett
Executive Summary A large portion (23%) of the Redwood Coast Energy Authority’s (RCEA) electricity portfolio for Humboldt County is sourced from two local biomass incineration plants, using local logging and mill waste as feedstock. Because the biomass that is sourced for incineration meets California’s sustainable forestry requirements, the biomass plants are considered GHG neutral, renewable power sources to the state. Despite this, the community has mixed opinions on the local air quality impact and actual climate change contribution resulting from the biomass plants. As a result, RCEA has commissioned the authors to provide a technical, economic, and environmental assessment of alternative uses of biomass feedstock in Humboldt County. The team developed four alternative use cases for the biomass feedstock, subject to the following constraints: 1. The alternative must meet or exceed all federal, state, and local water and air pollutant standards concerning criteria pollutants and CO2. 2. The alternative must not create a demand for imported biomass or use a non-waste source of biomass. Alternative One proposed the creation of a composting facility to convert the woody biomass into a valuable organic soil amendment. Alternative Two used the woody biomass as raw material for the production of particleboard. Alternative Three consisted of a gasification and refining facility that would produce a substitute natural gas for local residential gas customers. Alternative Four proposed the construction of a 500 thousand ton per year wood pellet facility, creating a valuable export product from the waste biomass. The four proposed alternatives were evaluated against nine different criteria, themselves separated into four categories: Economic, Environmental, Technical, and Social. Each criterion was given a weight from 1-10, based on recommendations from RCEA. The sole Economic criteria was the payback period of the project, in years. The Environmental criteria included the net GHG emission difference between implementation of the alternative and the current baseline. The Technical criteria examined included system robustness, technological maturity, and overall operator skill level required. The Social criteria considered consisted of the amount of new criteria air and water pollutants, and number of jobs provided by the alternative proposal. The preferred alternative was determined using the Delphi matrix method, and a Wood Pellet manufacturing facility was chosen. This alternative would use all of the available biomass currently being used by the two biomass power plants in Humboldt. The facility is proposed to be sited at the Redwood Marine Terminal 2, the site of a former pulp mill, with access to a dock for loading finished pellets onto cargo ships,
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...K. (2016). "Bulk density of forest energy chips." Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 11. Gromicko, N. (2020). "OSB vs. Plywood -InterNACHI®. Hamad, M. A. F., Radwan, A. M., and Amin, A. (2017). "Revie...
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  • Martina Schulze
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...d August 08, 2014 from: http://www.radios Gromicko, N. PVC Health Hazards, International association for certified home inspectors, Retrieved August 08, ...
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  • Dal-Young Oh
  • Kyu-Jin Shin
  • Jae-Sik Jeon
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... Mork nas, G., 1999, Indoor radon: Its reduction technique, Litimo, Vilnius, 128 p. Cohen, B.L. and Gromicko, N., 1988, Variation of radon levels in US homes with various factors, J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc., ...
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  • Erica M. Johnson
approved: Carolyn Fonyo Boggess This study focused on the potential water and energy savings from implementing a revised schedule of a recirculation pump connected to a condensing gas tankless water heater located in a study home in Portland, Oregon. The existing recirculation pump activation schedule was studied for its impact on the overall water use and energy efficiency of the water heater. Utilizing the recirculation pump for water events was found to reduce overall water consumption by 14.84 times the consumption when not using the recirculation pump. The use of the recirculation pump was also found to reduce the energy efficiency of the water heater by 7.82%. Based on these findings, a revised schedule was developed for homeowner adoption. Regional expansion of this technology was examined through the development of a suitability index that highlighted building and homeowner characteristics likely to lead to technological adoption. This suitability index was applied to a map of the Portland metro area to identify suitability hotspots for energy policy applications on a larger scale. Results of the expanded analysis indicated that there are significant impacts to water consumption and energy efficiency with the adoption of this technology. Policy issues, including incentives for adoption, are discussed in broader context. ©Copyright by Erica M. Johnson September 9, 2013 All Rights Reserved Residential Water Conservation and Energy Efficiency Impacts through Effective Scheduling and Opportunities for Regional Expansion: A Case Study of a Gas Tankless Water Heater with Recirculation Loop
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...back on household electricity consumption: a tool for saving energy? Energy Efficiency , 1: 79-104. Gromicko, N., & Shepard, K. (n.d.). Hot Water Recirculation Systems. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from InterNACHI (...
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...plication of a LTCC sensor for measuring moisture content of building materials, pp. 327-333, 2011. N. Gromicko and K. Shepard, " Moisture Meters for Inspectors InterNACHI," 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www...
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THROUGH-THICKNESS REINFORCEMENT AND REPAIR OF CARBON FIBER BASED HONEYCOMB STRUCTURES UNDER FLEXURE AND TENSION OF ADHESIVELY BONDED JOINTS Aleric Alden Sanders Old Dominion University, 2020 Director: Dr. Oleksandr G. Kravchenko Repair and reinforcement of composite honeycomb structures is an area of concern as higher demands are being placed on high strength, lightweight structural materials, such as carbon fiber reinforced plastics and corresponding honeycomb structures. A common issue with these structures is when a delamination in the facesheet may form and spread, leading to a failure scenario. An investigation of adding a through thickness reinforcement (TTR) to these structures at the sample level that undergo four-point-bending, tension, and joining methods is conducted throughout this thesis. The embedding of pultruded carbon fiber rods is found to be an ideal addition to composite honeycomb structures, not only in terms of reinforcement but also for repair and damage isola...
...removed from autoclave ............................................................................ N. Gromicko, "The History of Concrete," International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. [Online]. Avail...
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  • Rocío Fonseca Chamorro
MOOD is a new concept for home decoration. The purpose of MOOD is to make sustainable design products for creative and modern people living in small spaces. MOOD creates high quality and fashionable reversible decorative home articles, such as rugs, pillows and blankets that transform a home's decorative style in one easy step, allowing our homes to reflect the way we feel, or to modify the decorating style according to our needs. MOOD has been designed to adhere to the principles of sustainable development, working in accordance with the triple bottom line: taking care of profits, people, and the planet. The main foundations of this business model that relate to sustainability are the creation of an upcycling process using recycled fabrics, and working with skilled women in handicraft (loom, knitting, crocheting and patchwork) living in developing countries. During the first years, MOOD will design, produce and sell products in Chile. The strengths of MOOD relative to its competitors are associated with the exclusivity and quality of the products, the customer experience, and good service and relations with suppliers. The opportunities for MOOD compared to its competitors are related to trends, niche market, new technologies, distribution channel and social returns. As for all entrepreneurial business ideas, MOOD has challenges that have to be managed. The internal challenges include the go or no-go decision, the creation of a team, engaging suppliers and economic risks. The external challenges include market barriers, competitors' responses, and the availability of the raw materials used in MOOD's products. Thesis Supervisor: Wanda J Orlikowski Title: Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management MIT Sloan School of Management
This mention was found in a paper hosted outside of customer-relationship-management#.Uz7vHaldWOF Gromicko, N. (2012, October 15). The Small House Movement. Retrieved January 16, 2014, from InterNACHI: http://...
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  • Karen Bohorquez
  • José Luis Piñeiros-Mendoza
El hormigón es uno de los materiales más usados en el área de construcción. Debido al uso diario de este material se realizó el estudio del envejecimiento del hormigón simple y del hormigón armado para prevenir futuras afectaciones a este tipo de materiales. Se ubicaron muestras de hormigón en una cámara de simulación climática en la que se controlaron las condiciones de humedad, temperatura y radiación de acuerdo a un modelo multivariable de los parámetros mencionados para simular el envejecimiento acelerado de los materiales. De esta manera se logró representar la degradación acelerada que sufrirían los materiales en la ciudad de Quito en 0, 5, 10, 15 y 20 años de exposición ambiental. Se emplearon técnicas gravimétricas, técnicas volumétricas, y la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. Todos los resultados obtenidos fueron tabulados y graficados para visualizar su variación y tendencia en función del tiempo de exposición. El análisis más destacado fue el de la humedad, ya que presentó una tendencia de aumento y disminución con valores que varían entre 2,17 % y 3,37 % para el hormigón simple y 1,21 % y 2,32 % en el caso del hormigón armado, lo cual se debe a la evaporación del agua por las temperaturas elevadas. Otro análisis importante fue el equilibrio carbonato-bicarbonato debido al paso de iones hidronio (H+) que provocó un cambio de pH en el medio, y los óxidos de hierro que variaron significativamente por la presencia de un refuerzo de hierro en el hormigón armado con valores de 2,26 % a 7,23 % con respecto al hormigón simple que presentó valores de 0,89 % a 5,48 %. Se concluyó que sí existieron cambios en la composición química del hormigón simple y del hormigón armado al pasar los años.
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...bes from pre-history to-date. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volumen (12), Pp. 437-448 Gromicko, N., & Shepard, K. The History of Concrete. International Association of Cer- tified Home Inspectors. ...
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  • Lawrence Fulton
  • Bradley Beauvais
  • Matthew Brooks
  • Scott Kruse
  • Kimberly Lee
Intelligent use of rural residential land and sustainable construction is inexorably linked to cost; however, options exist that are eco-friendly and have a positive return on investment. In 2011, a research residence was built to evaluate various land-use and sustainable components. This Texas house has subsequently been used for both residential and research purposes. The purpose of this case study was to evaluate break-even construction considerations, to assess environmental impacts, and to evaluate qualitatively efficacy of sustainable options incorporated in the research residence. Some of the specific components discussed are home site placement (directional positioning); materiel acquisition (transportation); wood product minimization; rainwater harvesting; wastewater management; grid-tied solar array power; electric car charging via a solar array; geothermal heating and cooling; insulation selection; windows, fixtures, and appliance selection; and on-demand electric water heaters for guest areas. This study seeks to identify the impact of proper land use and sustainable techniques on the environment and return-on-investment in rural areas. Break-even and 15-year Net Present Value (NPV) analysis at 3% and 5% cost of capital were used to evaluate traditional construction, partially sustainable construction, and fully sustainable construction options for the case study house, which was built sustainably. The additional cost of sustainable construction is estimated at $54,329. At 3%, the analysis suggests a 15-year NPV of $334,355 (traditional) versus $250,339 million (sustainable) for a difference of $84K. At 5% cost of capital, that difference falls to $63K. The total estimated annual difference in carbon emissions is 4.326 million g/CO2e for this research residence. The results indicate that good choices for quick return-on-investment in rural construction would be the use of engineered lumber, Icynene foam, and Energy Star windows and doors. Medium-term options include photovoltaic systems (PVS) capable of powering the home and an electric car. Sustainable construction options should positively affect the environment and the pocketbook. Regulations and code should require adoption of short-range, break-even sustainable solutions in residential construction.
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...] Wald, M. Why More Solar Panels Should Be Facing West, Not South. New York Times, 1 December 2014. Gromicko, N. Building Orientation for Optimum Energy. Available online: orienta...
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  • Robert K. Lewis
Fi fiy-two contiguous charcoal measurements were carried out. starting in February I998 and ending in February 1999. Each Sundav evening at least one charcoal canister was placed on a storage shelf in the basement and one canister was placed on a first floor bedroom dresser. At the start of the experiment eight long-term E-PERM'S and eight ATD's were also placed at the same locations as the charcoals. The long-term testing devices were pulled out in duplicate at 3. 6. 9. and 1 ?-month intervals.
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...haracteristics, location, and socioeconomic factors. Health Physics 60:63 1- 642;199l. Cohen, B.L.: Gromicko. N. Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes with various factors. Journal of Air and Pollution Control...
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A highly followed author
...Summit White Paper." document.pdf. Gromicko, Nick. n.d. "Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings. International Association of Certified Ho...
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The proposed project is the idea of the researcher which addresses the needs of the community of having a less fuel, less pollutant and less worry about the source of electricity. This paper is a proposal for possible solution on the fuel shortage in the market and global warming. It includes the lay-outing, designing and identifying components for the proposed project. Components of the Portable Self-Sustainable Electric Generator have been identified. The researcher came up with a final design with the components ’ configuration and specifications. Hopefully, the development of this project has been recommended.
A highly followed author
...ble Energy for Home, Farm and Business. United States of America: Chelsea Green Publishing Company. Gromicko, N. (n.d.). InterNACHI: Inspecting the World. Retrieved May 6, 2013, from Generator Hazards and Inspec...
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The Turkish Merchant Shipping Industry has recently witnessed an increasing awareness of the importance to minimize environmental pollution and fuel oil consumption. Together with certain non-governmental organizations and media concerns about environmental protection, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been strict on controlling undesirable effects on the environment and, consequently, forcing shipping companies to minimize their emissions. Besides, today’s highly advanced technology companies over the world have developed various innovative systems that can be utilized to minimize carbon emission, thus giving assurance to relevant investors that their investments are most likely to turn out well with a considerable financial gain in the short or long term. Despite all such favorable developments, in a general look, shipping companies seem reluctant in making use of technologies providing efficiency in energy consumption. This reluctance has eventually brought about ... http://www.electrocity. (Accessed 12 November 2017) Gromicko, N., 2012. Disadvantages of Solar Energy. https:// (Acce...
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  • Shihara Perera
Shihara Perera – PhD Thesis 2 concerning the dynamic compressive stiffness parameters controlling the contact force. Experiments could therefore be repeated to cover various types of impactor objects having different properties in less expensive manner, as the target is not involved in the testing. Accurate measurements of the forcing time-histories for impactors made of different materials are obtained under the first part of the investigation for benchmarking purposes. Forcing functions that have been collected and processed are employed in a two-step calibration procedure for identifying the values of the parameters kn, p, and Dn, which characterise the nonlinear visco-elastic model for specific conditions of the impactor and target. Solutions to the contact force for given impact scenarios are obtained by the use of either the two-degree-offreedom (2DOF) spring mass model or the developed closed form solution. The forcing function so obtained from the testing, is implemented quasi-statically onto the target using a high-speed actuator. The outcome of the first part of the research is to obtain reliable predictions of the potential forcing functions that can be generated by the impactor. The forcing functions so obtained are presented in the form of design charts for quick access for engineering purposes. In addition, the shape effects of the impactor and the effects of the target softness are also modelled and validated. The shape effects are modelled in this task as a random variable based on the statistics of the results representing the deviation from the ideal geometry of a sphere, which serves as the benchmark. The next part of the investigation is to load the target using a high-speed actuator at a rate consistent with the predicted forcing functions to assess the impact resistant capacity of the target for comparison with the demand predicted for a range of projected impact scenarios. The procedure as described is implemented on aluminium alloy panels. Confirmatory dynamic (impact) experimentation on the target is then undertaken to validate the accuracy of the predictions. It has been shown that once representative forcing functions have been validated and made available, the need to accelerate an impactor object onto a target specimen can be eliminated because the impact can be replicated by a testing machine fitted with a high-speed actuator. Then, the holistic evaluation of the risk of damage is demonstrated using the example threat scenarios of windstorms and hailstorms. Such simulations are based on published information on the flight trajectories of airborne debris, correlation of the size of the hailstone and its velocity on free fall. The inherent variabilities observed in the case studies are presented in the form of “Fragility Curves” to represent the conditional probability of failure. The information expressed in the form of design charts and fragility curves enables stakeholders to make wellinformed decisions on retrofitting and risk reduction. In previous stages of this study, the parameters characterising the non-linear visco-elastic contact element had to be evaluated by calibrating against the results from the impact testing of impactor specimens. However, dynamic calibration can be costly and tedious. On the other hand, it is noted that this technique for estimating the contact force can become very costly in situations where the impactor object is too large to be impact tested in the manner described. Thus, the later part of the thesis tests larger impactor specimens quasi-statically in a high-speed compression test machine on their own through which the force-displacement relationship is obtained. The dynamic
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...Australia: Identifying Risk Analysis Requirements. Canberra: Geoscience Australia; 2007. Shepard K, Gromicko N. Mastering Roof Inspections: Hail Damage, Part 5 1750 30th St Ste 301, Boulder, CO 80301: InterNACH...
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  • Kitrina Ann Stratton
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...  the  Planet.”    Friesens     Publishers  Group,  West.         363   Gromicko,  Nick  and  Shepard,  Kenton.  (2014)  “Soils  and  Settlement.”  International     ...
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This study investigates mahogany carpel ash as cement replacement at five different design mixtures: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% mahogany carpel ash composition. Specimens without mahogany carpel ash were also prepared to serve as the control specimens for this study. The mortar specimens were tested for compressive strengths at curing age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The characteristics of the ash were also determined to understand the physical and chemical contents of the ash. Results revealed that the use of 20% mahogany carpel ash cement replacement was able to meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C270 minimum strength requirement for Type M mortar. The 40% and 60% cement replacement met the minimum standards for Type N mortar and the 80% cement replacement met the minimum standards for Type O mortar. These findings provided information that may be useful to further conduct specific studies to enhance the utilization of mahogany carpel for concrete techno...
...n. Mahogany -Symbol of strength and endurance, from http://www. Gromicko, N., and Shepard, K. The History of Conrete. from http://www. Nimityongs...
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...t, L.; Wang, D. 2013. Architectural Research Methods. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Gromicko, N.; Shepard, K. 2015. History of Concrete. [Interaktyvus, žiūrėta 2018-08-05]. Internetinė prieiga: h...
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  • Phap L. Vu
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...ned and developed for Dubai investors. (Courtesy of 59 sewage system on shore. 87 87 Gromicko, Nick and Kenton Shepard. International Association of Certified Home Inspections, "Inspecting Floating H...
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  • Oliver Teall
Self-healing concrete has the potential to significantly reduce the life cycle cost of concrete structures. The ability for concrete to undergo autogenous self-healing is largely dependent upon the width of the cracks in the material. Shape memory polymers (SMP) can be used to close cracks in concrete and produce a compressive stress across crack faces, enhancing the load recovery associated with this healing process. Previous proof of concept studies used commercially available SMP strips to close cracks within small scale mortar beams. Within this thesis, specifically manufactured high shrinkage polymer samples are refined and tested. An SMP tendon system is developed which is capable of activation via electrical heating. This system is incorporated into structural concrete beam samples with and without steel reinforcement. Crack closure is successfully achieved and the system’s performance assessed with suggestions for future development. Enhanced autogenous healing of structural concrete using SMP strips is confirmed by comparing the mechanical load recovery of samples cured for one, three and six months. The SMP tendons are applied at full-scale, alongside three other self-healing techniques investigated as part of the Materials 4 Life project, to assess their performance in the field. A life cycle cost assessment of self-healing concrete is undertaken using a bridge deck slab as a case study, concluding that a self-healing concrete capable of repeated healing cycles has the potential to significantly reduce costs over a 120-year design life.
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...inside- the-worlds-longest-railway-tunnel-4770271/: Railway Technology. [Accessed 07/09/2016 2016]. GROMICKO, N. & SHEPARD, K. 2016. The History of Concrete [Online]. HA 2007. Inspection Manual for Highway Struc...
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This study investigates mahogany carpel ash as cement replacement at five different design mixtures: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% mahogany carpel ash composition. Specimens without mahogany carpel ash were also prepared to serve as the control specimens for this study. The mortar specimens were tested for compressive strengths at curing age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The characteristics of the ash were also determined to understand the physical and chemical contents of the ash. Results revealed that the use of 20% mahogany carpel ash cement replacement was able to meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C270 minimum strength requirement for Type M mortar. The 40% and 60% cement replacement met the minimum standards for Type N mortar and the 80% cement replacement met the minimum standards for Type O mortar. These findings provided information that may be useful to further conduct specific studies to enhance the utilization of mahogany carpel for concrete techno...
...n. Mahogany -Symbol of strength and endurance, from http://www. Gromicko, N., and Shepard, K. The History of Conrete. from http://www. Nimityongs...
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When lightning attaches to the blade surface instead of the receptor, the blade and sometimes the entire wind turbine can be destroyed. The position of the receptor on the blade is important in determining the point of upward leader inception, stepped leader attachment, and the efficiency of the protection system. In this paper, a modern wind turbine; Vestas V100 with 2 MW rated power, 100 m rotor diameter, and 49 m long blade is used to investigate discrete receptor positions from the blade tip in order to find the most optimum location for the receptor. A numerical model of the vertical tri-pole cloud charge distribution model is developed with finite element analysis. The model is used to study the variations in maximum electric field strength required for the initiation of upward leader. By comparing the electric field strength as the blade is rotated, the receptor position is evaluated and optimized. The results of the point of initiation of upward leader coincides with experim...
.... Byrne and M. Malkin, "Field Performance Assessment of Wind Turbine Lightning Protection Systems." N. Gromicko, "Tree Dangers-Int'l Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI)," International Associat...
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The proposed project is the idea of the researcher which addresses the needs of the community of having a less fuel, less pollutant and less worry about the source of electricity. This paper is a proposal for possible solution on the fuel shortage in the market and global warming. It includes the lay-outing, designing and identifying components for the proposed project. Components of the Portable Self-Sustainable Electric Generator have been identified. The researcher came up with a final design with the components’ configuration and specifications. Hopefully, the development of this project has been recommended. Keywords : Portable, Generator, Sustain, Electric motor
A highly followed author
...ble Energy for Home, Farm and Business. United States of America: Chelsea Green Publishing Company. Gromicko, N. (n.d.). InterNACHI: Inspecting the World. Retrieved May 6, 2013, from Generator Hazards and Inspec...
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This study investigates mahogany carpel ash as cement replacement at five different design mixtures: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% mahogany carpel ash composition. Specimens without mahogany carpel ash were also prepared to serve as the control specimens for this study. The mortar specimens were tested for compressive strengths at curing age of 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. The characteristics of the ash were also determined to understand the physical and chemical contents of the ash. Results revealed that the use of 20% mahogany carpel ash cement replacement was able to meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C270 minimum strength requirement for Type M mortar. The 40% and 60% cement replacement met the minimum standards for Type N mortar and the 80% cement replacement met the minimum standards for Type O mortar. These findings provided information that may be useful to further conduct specific studies to enhance the utilization of mahogany carpel for concrete techno...
...n. Mahogany -Symbol of strength and endurance, from http://www. Gromicko, N., and Shepard, K. The History of Conrete. from http://www. Nimityongs...
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  • Alexander Henderson
  • Alexander Garcia
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...ur Impact of Coastal Swimming Pools on Beach Systems," Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 1-12, 1996. N. Gromicko and B. Gromicko, "Structural Design Basics of Residential Construction for the Home Inspector," Int...
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...of management: A Celebration of writings from the 1920s. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Gromicko, N. & Ferry, J. (2017). Forms of Inspection Business Ownership and Structure. International Associatio...
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Electricity generation is the progression of creating electric power of bases of primary energy. Designed for utilities from the electric power industry, it is the step prior to its delivery to end operators (transmission, distribution, other..) or its storage (consuming, like the pumped-storage process). Electric energy is generated via the movement of electrons, often termed "current," via a conductor, like a wire. The sum of electric energy generated be determined by the numeral of electrons rolling with the rate of the flow. Energy may be either (potential or kinetic). A lump of coal, like(denotes potential-energy. While coal is blackened, its potential energy converts kinetic energy. A distinguishing of electricity is that it remains not spontaneously accessible in nature in large sums, so it must be formed. Manufacturing is carried out in power stations (besides termed "power plants"). Electricity is greatest often produced at a power plant via electromechanical generators, primarily determined via thermo-engines fueled via combustion or nuclear fission while similarly via other means like the kinetic energy of flowing liquid besides wind. Other energy causes involved solar photo-voltaic besides geothermal power.
..."Knob-and-Tube Wiring: What's the Big Deal?". Only Connect: Electrical FAQ's. Retrieved 2011-03-19. Nick Gromicko, Rob London and Kenton Shepard. "Knob-and-Tube Wiring". Inspecting the World. Retrieved 2011-03-19....
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...operties of Industrial Materials, ninth edition ed. Van Nostrand Rein- hold, 1996, iSBN 0132047674. N. Gromicko, "Sewer gases in the home," 2006, home.html. NIOSH, "Volunteer fi...
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..., Dec. 2001. R. J. Lewis, Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 12th ed. Wiley, 2010. N. Gromicko, "Sewer gases in the home," 2006, home.html. T. Hindu, "Deaths in...
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The addition of admixtures in concrete can alter the concrete's curing rate. In order to quantify the change of the curing rate due the certain admixtures can be done by tracking home the spin-spin relaxation time (T2) over time. The slope of linear fit of T2 vs. time passed since mixing provides four magnitudes for each of the four admixture groups, which can be compared. The higher the slope value is, the greater the curing rate is. By also testing these admixture's effects on the compressive strength of concrete, a direct correlation can be made between the curing rate and the compressive strength of concrete. Therefore, the group with the lowest curing rate, will also have the lowest compressive strength.
...tandards (2000), N. Gromicko and K. Shepard, "The History of Concrete," International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (...
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The Turkish Merchant Shipping Industry has recently witnessed an increasing awareness of the importance to minimize environmental pollution and fuel oil consumption. Together with certain non-governmental organizations and media concerns about environmental protection, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been strict on controlling undesirable effects on the environment and, consequently, forcing shipping companies to minimize their emissions. Besides, today’s highly advanced technology companies over the world have developed various innovative systems that can be utilized to minimize carbon emission, thus giving assurance to relevant investors that their investments are most likely to turn out well with a considerable financial gain in the short or long term. Despite all such favorable developments, in a general look, shipping companies seem reluctant in making use of technologies providing efficiency in energy consumption. This reluctance has eventually brought about ... http://www.electrocity. (Accessed 12 November 2017) Gromicko, N., 2012. Disadvantages of Solar Energy. https:// (Acce...
Confirmed as This is MeUndo http://www.electrocity. (Accessed 12 November 2017) Gromicko, N., 2012. Disadvantages of Solar Energy. https:// (Acce...
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... between socio-economic status and environmental pollution. Soc Sci Med 67(10):1612-1629. Cohen BL, Gromicko N. 1988. Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes with various forms. JAPCA 38(2):129-134. Cox C. 1998...
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Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer worldwide. Most indoor exposure occurs by diffusion of soil gas. Radon is also found in well water, natural gas and ambient air. Pennsylvania has high indoor radon concentrations; buildings are often tested during real estate transactions with results reported to the Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP). To evaluate predictors of indoor radon concentrations. Using first floor and basement indoor radon results reported to the PADEP between 1987-2013, we evaluated associations of radon concentrations (ln-transformed) with geology, water source, building characteristics, season, weather, community socioeconomic status, community type and unconventional natural gas development measures based on drilled and producing wells. Primary analysis included 866,735 first measurements by building, the large majority from homes. The geologic rock layer on which the building sat was strongly associated with radon concentration (e.g., Axeman...
... between socio-economic status and environmental pollution. Soc Sci Med 67(10):1612-1629. Cohen BL, Gromicko N. 1988. Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes with various forms. JAPCA 38(2):129-134. Cox C. 1998...
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  • Kainan Sun
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...ristics, location, and socioeconomic factors. Health Phys, 1991. 60(5): p. 631- 42. Cohen, B.L. and N. Gromicko, Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes with various forms. Japca, 1988. 38(2): p. 129-34. Abu-Jar...
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The major construction material that cost more are cement and gravel which makes buildings costly. Palm kernel shells are locally available materials which can be used in place of gravel. Previous works on the kernel shell shows that the strength determined have met with the building requirements. Concrete is the most common material used in construction, various research work and experience gained shows that the quality and durability of concrete depend mostly on the properties of its constituent, mix design, method of preparation, curing etc. have their influence on it. Tests results have shown that kernel shell concrete of mix ratio 1:2:4 has average compressive strength of 5.6 N/mm2 at 14days curing while 12.47 N/mm2 at 28days of curing. Palm kernel shell produces a concrete with a lower compressive strength in comparison with normal concrete with gravel. The project in conclusion was a success as it took into consideration the economic status quo of the population. This project help to provide new materials af ordable for the low income earners which helps in producing low cost houses and this does not remove the criteria of performance for a material.
A highly followed author (assessed 16/09/2015) The History of Concrete by Nick Gromicko and Kenton Shepard ( "The History of Concrete". Dept....
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Tall buildings are a controversial topic in urban planning, particularly when the construction site is located in an urban conservation area or close to it. Heritage conservation measures in many countries often regulate the height of new buildings to preserve a traditional, iconic urban panorama. For some, the new building´s height in and of itself is a violation of heritage values; others see high-rises as trademarks of progress. Both attitudes are quite recent. In the past, belltowers, spires, minarets, and domes enriched urban skylines without compromising their visual coherence and what was perceived as beauty. The paper explores various aspects of the current debate, tracing its history back to the turn of the twentieth century when the office and residential skyscraper enlarged the family of tall buildings. Unlike in America, these two types of buildings remained rare in Europe until the 1950s, and the exceptions often involved a symbolical underpinning. Later on, high-rises became part of the mass building industry in Europe, changing the urban environment significantly. After 2000, despite the high cost and public disapproval, highrises are still constructed and designed often with the ambition to compete with traditional landmarks. The paper mentions several current projects (in Prague, Olomouc, Vienna, and Seville) where the controversy affected heritage protection on various scales (NGOs, local policies, and World Heritage advisory bodies). Is the height of new structures the most significant threat to preserved heritage values? Is their contrasting image inevitable? And what about high-rises that deserve heritage protection?
1 recommendationA highly followed author
...en roofs., Environ. Pollut. 159 (2011) 2119–2126. 22. N. Gromicko, K. Shepard, “Cool” Energy-Efficient Roofs, (n.d.). roofs.htm. 23. H. A...
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Concrete is one of the most used materials in the construction area, due to this the aging of plain concrete and reinforced concrete was studied. Concrete samples brought from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador were located in a climate simulation chamber where humidity, temperature and radiation conditions could be controlled. The analyzes were performed for samples that were subjected to 5, 10, 15 and 20 years. Gravimetric techniques, volumetric techniques and the atomic absorption spectrophotometric technique were used. The most prominent analyzes were moisture, since it presented an increasing and decreasing trend with values that vary between 2.17 % and 3.37 % for simple concrete and 1.21 % and 2.32 % in the case of reinforced concrete. This is due to the evaporation of water due to high temperatures. Another important analysis was the carbonate-bicarbonate balance due to the passage of hydronium ions (H+) that caused a change in pH in the medium, and iron oxides that varied significantly due to the presence of an iron reinforcement in the reinforced concrete with values from 2.26 % to 7.23 % with respect to simple concrete, which presented values from 0.89 % to 5.48 %. It was concluded that there were changes in the chemical composition of plain concrete and reinforced concrete over the years
A highly followed author from pre-history to- date. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volumen (12), Pp. 437-448 Gromicko, N., & Shepard, K. The History of Concrete. International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. Jo...
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This was my senior thesis at the University of Notre Dame, written per requirements of the Glynn Family Honors Program and History Honors program.
...barians. Macmillan, 2005. p. 437. Perkins. The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization , p. 88 and Gromicko, Nick, and Kenton Shepard. "The History of Concrete." InterNACHI. Accessed March 19, 2018. Perkins, Bryan...
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  • Gerald M. Kendall
  • Jon C.H. Miles
  • David Rees
  • Richard Wakeford
  • Kathryn J. Bunch
  • Tim J. Vincent
  • Mark P. Little
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... Radiation Carcinogenesis for Inhaled Radon Decay Products. Health Physics 68, 157-174 Cohen, B.L., Gromicko, N., 1988. Variation of Radon Levels in U.S. Homes with Various Factors. Journal of Air Pollution Cont...
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  • Trang VoPham
  • Natalie DuPré
  • Rulla M. Tamimi
  • Peter James
  • Kimberly A. Bertrand
  • Veronica Vieira
  • Francine Laden
  • Jaime E. Hart
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...cts on development of HER2-positive breast carcinomas. Clin Cancer Res. 2007;13(1):46-51. Cohen BL, Gromicko N. Variation of radon levels in US homes with various factors. J Air Pollut Control Assoc. 1988;38(2)...
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  • Neelkanth G. Dhere
  • Narendra S. Shiradkar
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... VII-2 in Practical Handbook of Photovoltaics: Fundamentals and Applications, Elsevier B.V. (2003). N. Gromicko and E. London, "Solar panel fires and electrical hazards," http://www.nachi .org/solar-panel-fire-e...
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...Science, 7(1): 15-29 Mose, Douglas G., George W. Mushrush, David Saum, Mark Messing, Steven Hall, Nick Gromicko, and Robert Dunkle, 1988 Prediction of indoor radon and home remediation in Fairfax Coimty, 107...
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  • Clint Wilson
  • Jaclyn Mathis
  • Lawrence Clark
  • Anthony Delgado-Connor
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...2017. 42 ERDC/CERL TR-17-27 Gromicko, Nick, and Kenton Shepard. 2015. “Visual Inspection of Concrete.” Boulder, CO: International Association...
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  • Natarajan, Hariharan
  • Klocke, Steve
  • Puttagunta, Srikanth
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...: Download/BPI Standards/Building Analyst Professional_2-28-05nNC-newCO.pdf. Gromicko, N., London, R., and Shepard, K. “Efflorescence for Inspectors.” Accessed June 11, 2012:
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...t-May2011.pdf Green Drain. 2017. Green Drain. Website. Naples, FL: Green Drain, Gromicko, Nick. 2018a. Pest Birds. International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Inc. Web page, https://...
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The Turkish Merchant Shipping Industry has recently witnessed an increasing awareness of the importance to minimize environmental pollution and fuel oil consumption. Together with certain non-governmental organizations and media concerns about environmental protection, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been strict on controlling undesirable effects on the environment and, consequently, forcing shipping companies to minimize their emissions. Besides, today’s highly advanced technology companies over the world have developed various innovative systems that can be utilized to minimize carbon emission, thus giving assurance to relevant investors that their investments are most likely to turn out well with a considerable financial gain in the short or long term. Despite all such favorable developments, in a general look, shipping companies seem reluctant in making use of technologies providing efficiency in energy consumption. This reluctance has eventually brought about ... http://www.electrocity. (Accessed 12 November 2017) Gromicko, N., 2012. Disadvantages of Solar Energy. https:// (Acce...
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In order to gauge the moisture performance of walls and roofs there is a need to investigate the paths of moisture penetrating into the wall assembly, how long and where the moisture stays, and whether it causes temporary reduction of performance or permanent damage. The non-contact safe nature and usefulness in temperature measurement of infrared thermography have made it a popular instrument for building diagnostics. Hence, this paper depicts a documentation process which makes use of both visible and infrared thermal images to identify moisture anomalies in heritage building envelope assemblies. In sequence to achieve the purpose, visible and infrared thermal images are recorded for comparison and further analysis. It can be concluded that infrared thermal imaging camera is useful for identification of moisture problems in building façade, whereas combination of both visible and infrared thermal imaging methods produces a more advanced, accurate and effective approach for buildin...
A highly followed author
... Physics for Scientists & Engineers With Modern Physics. Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing. Gromicko, N. & Shepard, K. (N.D.). Moisture Intrusion. Internachi. Retrieved From Http://Www.Nachi.Org/Moisture...
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  • H.W. Pennline
  • J.S. Hoffman
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...Pennline, H.W., Yeh, J.T., Hoffman, J . S . , Longton, E.J., Vore, P.A., Resnik, K . P . , and F . N . Gromicko. "Design, Construction, and Operation of a Life-Cycle Test System for the Evaluation of Flue Gas Cl...
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  • Omar F Aleman Ortiz
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...ology/building-construction/Earlysteel-frame-high-rises#ref105155 10. “The History of Concrete”, by Nick Gromicko and Kenton Shepard, publisher: InterNACHI “International Association of Certified Home Inspectors I...
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  • H.W. Pennline
  • James T. Yeh
  • J.S. Hoffman
  • E.J. Longton
  • P.A. Vore
  • K.P. Resnik
  • F.N. Gromicko
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...ANUP PROCESSES BY H. W. PennIlne J. T. Yeh J. S. Hoffman E. J. Longton P. A. Vore K. P. ResnIk F. N. GromIcko December 1995 For U.S. Department of Energy Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center P.O. Box 10940 Pi...
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  • Yasukatsu TAMAI
  • Noboru SUZUKI
  • Hisao MITOBE
  • Akira TOMITA
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...vention Services May 2015 Smoke Alarm Inspection by Nick Gromicko InterNACHI 2015 GARAGE DOORS FAQ 2013 Aladdin Doors http...
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The major construction material that cost more are cement and gravel which makes buildings costly. Palm kernel shells are locally available materials which can be used in place of gravel. Previous works on the kernel shell shows that the strength determined have met with the building requirements. Concrete is the most common material used in construction, various research work and experience gained shows that the quality and durability of concrete depend mostly on the properties of its constituent, mix design, method of preparation, curing etc. have their influence on it. Tests results have shown that kernel shell concrete of mix ratio 1:2:4 has average compressive strength of 5.6 N/mm2 at 14days curing while 12.47 N/mm2 at 28days of curing. Palm kernel shell produces a concrete with a lower compressive strength in comparison with normal concrete with gravel. The project in conclusion was a success as it took into consideration the economic status quo of the population. This project help to provide new materials affordable for the low income earners which helps in producing low cost houses and this does not remove the criteria of performance for a material
A highly followed author (assessed 16/09/2015) [8] The History of Concrete by Nick Gromicko and Kenton Shepard ( [9] "The History of Concrete". D...
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A highly followed author
...on’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007–2013/ under REA grant agreement No. 316555. References 1. Gromicko N (2006) Sewer gases in the home. Accessed on 15 July 201...
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Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer worldwide. Most indoor exposure occurs by diffusion of soil gas. Radon is also found in well water, natural gas and ambient air. Pennsylvania has high indoor radon concentrations; buildings are often tested during real estate transactions with results reported to the Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP). To evaluate predictors of indoor radon concentrations. Using first floor and basement indoor radon results reported to the PADEP between 1987-2013, we evaluated associations of radon concentrations (ln-transformed) with geology, water source, building characteristics, season, weather, community socioeconomic status, community type and unconventional natural gas development measures based on drilled and producing wells. Primary analysis included 866,735 first measurements by building, the large majority from homes. The geologic rock layer on which the building sat was strongly associated with radon concentration (e.g., Axeman...
... between socio-economic status and environmental pollution. Soc Sci Med 67(10):1612-1629. Cohen BL, Gromicko N. 1988. Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes with various forms. JAPCA 38(2):129-134. Cox C. 1998...
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... between socio-economic status and environmental pollution. Soc Sci Med 67(10):1612-1629. Cohen BL, Gromicko N. 1988. Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes with various forms. JAPCA 38(2):129-134. Cox C. 1998...
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Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of energy sources and considered as a green source of energy. Solar energy benefit ranges from low carbon emission, no fossil fuel requirement, long term solar resources, less payback time and other. However like other power generation sources, solar energy has also some Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) concerns. This paper presents the overview of solar energy technologies and addresses the SHE impact of solar energy technologies to the sustainability of human activities. This paper will also recommend the possible ways to reduce the effect of potential hazards of widespread use of solar energy technologies.
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...Photovoltaics report. Fraunhofer Institute For Solar Energy Systems [105] Gromicko Nick. Advantages of solar energy. Available at: 〈http://www.nachi. ISE. In:...
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In this work, we formulated a real-world problem related to sewer pipeline gas detection using the classification-based approaches. The primary goal of this work was to identify the hazardousness of sewer pipeline to offer safe and non-hazardous access to sewer pipeline workers so that the human fatalities, which occurs due to the toxic exposure of sewer gas components, can be avoided. The dataset acquired through laboratory tests, experiments , and various literature sources was organized to design a predictive model that was able to identify/classify hazardous and non-hazardous situation of sewer pipeline. To design such prediction model, several classification algorithms were used and their performances were evaluated and compared, both empirically and statistically, over the collected dataset. In addition, the performances of several ensemble methods were analyzed to understand the extent of improvement offered by these methods. The result of this comprehensive study showed that the instance-based learning algorithm performed better than many other algorithms such as multilayer perceptron, radial basis function network, support vector machine, reduced pruning tree. Similarly, it was observed that multi-scheme ensemble approach enhanced the performance of base predictors.
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...Hoboken based on all training samples. Hence, it takes a long time to 3. Gromicko N (2006) Sewer gases in the home. http://www.nachi. compute the output,...
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Abstract - Water scarcity has become a problem for many rural and urban communities in Ghana due to evolvement of small scale mining and heavy industries polluting most of the surface water. Rainwater harvesting has become a major source of water for the inhabitants of Nkamponasi, a community in Tarkwa. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of rainwater from rooftops (non-rusty and rusty) in Nkamponasi in Tarkwa. Rainwater samples were collected from non-rusty, rusty and no roof (rainwater without contact with roof surface). Six samples were collected from three rainfall events and analysed for physico- chemical parameters and metals concentration. Each parameter and metal was compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for drinking water quality. The results of the physico-chemical analysis indicated that pH, turbidity and colour were above WHO standard in all water samples collected from the three rainfall events. High lead and chromium concentrations were recorded from the rusty and non-rusty roofs. The study reveals that roofing sheets have an impact on the quality of harvested rainwater.
...Environmental and Safety Engineering, University of Mines and Technology, Gromicko, N. (2017), “Rust Inspection and Prevention”,
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...Photovoltaics report. Fraunhofer Institute For Solar Energy Systems [105] Gromicko Nick. Advantages of solar energy. Available at: 〈http://www.nachi. ISE. In:...
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Regulating the environmental discharge of 220 Rn (historically known as thoron) and its decay products from thorium processing facilities is important for protection of environment and general public living in the vicinities. Activated charcoal provides an effective solution to this problem because of its high adsorption capacity to gaseous element like radon. In order to design and develop a charcoal based Thoron Mitigation System, a mathematical model has been developed in the present work for studying the 220 Rn transport and adsorption in a flow through charcoal bed and estimating the 220 Rn mitigation factor (MF) as a function of system and operating parameters. The model accounts for inter-and intra-grain diffusion, advection, radioactive decay and adsorption processes. Also, the effects of large void fluctuation and wall channeling on the mitigation factor have been included through a statistical model. Closed form solution has been provided for the MF in terms of adsorption coefficient, system dimensions, grain size, flow rate and void fluctuation exponent. It is shown that the delay effects due to intra grain diffusion plays a significant role thereby rendering external equilibrium assumptions unsuitable. Also, the application of the statistical model clearly demonstrates the transition from the exponential MF to a power-law form and shows how the occurrence of channels with low probability can lower mitigation factor by several orders of magnitude. As a part of aiding design, the model is further extended to optimise the bed dimensions in respect of pressure drop and MF. The application of the results for the design and development of a practically useful charcoal bed is discussed.
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...adsorption. Health Phys. 45 (2), 501e508. Phys. 68 (3), 332e339. Cohen, B.L., Gromicko, N., 1988. Adequacy of time averaging with diffusion barrier Shin, H.C.,...
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A highly followed author
...Photovoltaics report. Fraunhofer Institute For Solar Energy Systems [105] Gromicko Nick. Advantages of solar energy. Available at: 〈http://www.nachi. ISE. In:...
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To understand the roles of aerospace companies in the promotion of sustainable aviation and their contributions to environmental and climate protection. The case of Lufthansa Technik has been studied in detail. 10. Gromicko, N. (2010, 09 01). Construction Methods and Materials for Noise Control....
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The work of Architects and Civil Engineers overlap each other, although they may seem different in many aspects, job responsibilities, and tasks. The work of the civil engineer should follow the design of the architect without creating structural situations that force the later to do changes in design. The goal of the research is to explore the relationship between the architect and the civil engineer from the early beginning of history till recent and today’s modern era, through classifying the history of construction into three phases: The “Architect-Civil” Working Paradigm of: the “Old World”, “Ancient Civilizations”, and the “Modern 20th-21st Century”. Moreover, the research introduces (5) severe case studies of the “Architect-Civil” working paradigm outflows, revealing negative impacts on the final and resulted constructions due to the disturbed relationship between both disciplines. Investigated case studies are of structures built in some areas in Egypt that exist outside major cities, where the role of municipalities and building inspection is very weak and building regulations and codes were violated. The research concludes that: During the “Old World” phase; the relationship between the architect and the civil engineer cannot be traced, and a common working paradigm has not been born yet as the “Architect”, the “Civil Engineer”, and even the “Contractor” did not exist by that time, they were simple domestic buildings, and simple religious or public places that were built directly by their owners, or a group of simple builders. While at the age of “Ancient Civilizations”; the “Architect-Civil” relationship started to shape, and emerged only after humanity entered this phase of significant structures, where both tasks were carried by a single talented person called the “Builder”. In the “Modern 20th-21st Century” and the revolution of architecture theories, innovative architectural design concepts, the need to build more complex and large scale public facilities, and the progress in construction technologies and building materials, - created the necessity to set complex job responsibilities for each of the architect and the civil engineer separately. The “Architect-Civil” working paradigm has become clear and well defined. The two tasks of the ancient “Builder” cannot be carried by one person anymore, and the two tasks became two different disciplines; having no other options but to work together as a team in order to finish their complex assignments.
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...disciplines. In such areas outside 10. “The History of Concrete”, by Nick Gromicko and Kenton Shepard, publisher: InterNACHI “International Association...
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Water scarcity has become a problem for many rural and urban communities in Ghana due to the evolvement of small scale mining and heavy industries polluting most of the surface water. Rainwater harvesting has become a major source of water for the inhabitants of Nkamponasi, a community in Tarkwa. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of rainwater from rooftops (non-rusty and rusty) in Nkamponasi in Tarkwa. Rainwater samples were collected from non-rusty, rusty and no roof (rainwater without contact with roof surface). Six samples were collected from three rainfall events and analysed for physico-chemical parameters and metals concentration. Each parameter and metal was compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for drinking water quality. The results of the physico-chemical analysis indicated that pH, turbidity and colour were above WHO standard in all water samples collected from the three rainfall events. High lead and chromium concentrations were recorded from the rusty and non-rusty roofs. The study reveals that roofing sheets have an impact on the quality of harvested rainwater.
..., GromickoN. (2017), “Rust Inspection and Prevention”, Tarkwa, Ghana. prevention.html...
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The work of Architects and Civil Engineers overlap each other, although they may seem different in many aspects, job responsibilities, and tasks. The work of the civil engineer should follow the design of the architect without creating structural situations that force the later to do changes in design. The goal of the research is to explore the relationship between the architect and the civil engineer from the early beginning of history till recent and today’s modern era, through classifying the history of construction into three phases: The “Architect-Civil” Working Paradigm of: the “Old World”, “Ancient Civilizations”, and the “Modern 20th-21st Century”. Moreover, the research introduces (5) severe case studies of the “Architect-Civil” working paradigm outflows, revealing negative impacts on the final and resulted constructions due to the disturbed relationship between both disciplines. Investigated case studies are of structures built in some areas in Egypt that exist outside major cities, where the role of municipalities and building inspection is very weak and building regulations and codes were violated. The research concludes that: During the “Old World” phase; the relationship between the architect and the civil engineer cannot be traced, and a common working paradigm has not been born yet as the “Architect”, the “Civil Engineer”, and even the “Contractor” did not exist by that time, they were simple domestic buildings, and simple religious or public places that were built directly by their owners, or a group of simple builders. While at the age of “Ancient Civilizations”; the “Architect-Civil” relationship started to shape, and emerged only after humanity entered this phase of significant structures, where both tasks were carried by a single talented person called the “Builder”. In the “Modern 20th-21st Century” and the revolution of architecture theories, innovative architectural design concepts, the need to build more complex and large scale public facilities, and the progress in construction technologies and building materials, - created the necessity to set complex job responsibilities for each of the architect and the civil engineer separately. The “Architect-Civil” working paradigm has become clear and well defined. The two tasks of the ancient “Builder” cannot be carried by one person anymore, and the two tasks became two different disciplines; having no other options but to work together as a team in order to finish their complex assignments.
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...constructions due to the disturbed or even missing collaboration between both disciplines. In such areas outside 10. “The History of Concrete”, by Nick Gromicko and Kenton Shepard...
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Concrete is one of the most used building materials. However, it is one of the major producers of carbon dioxide (CO2) which is directly contributing to destroying our environment. Not to mention that enormous costs are being spent each year to maintain concrete constructions. Cracks of various sizes form in all concrete constructions which need to be sealed manually shortening the life of a particular construction. On the other hand, Self-healing concrete (SHC) is a revolutionary building material that has the solution to all these problems and is definitely the building material of the near future. Therefore, we need to understand its properties and mechanism and foresee how it impacts the architectural designs of the time to come, which standards are needed to create useful and aesthetic buildings and constructions.
...Concrete / NGromicko, K. Shepard // InterNACHI [Electronic resource] URL: 4. Christopher J. Experimental and Numerical Study of the...
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When lightning attaches to the blade surface instead of the receptor, the blade and sometimes the entire wind turbine can be destroyed. The position of the receptor on the blade is important in determining the point of upward leader inception, stepped leader attachment, and the efficiency of the protection system. In this paper, a modern wind turbine; Vestas V100 with 2 MW rated power, 100 m rotor diameter, and 49 m long blade is used to investigate discrete receptor positions from the blade tip in order to find the most optimum location for the receptor. A numerical model of the vertical tri-pole cloud charge distribution model is developed with finite element analysis. The model is used to study the variations in maximum electric field strength required for the initiation of upward leader. By comparing the electric field strength as the blade is rotated, the receptor position is evaluated and optimized. The results of the point of initiation of upward leader coincides with experimental data from lightning discharge attachments.
...Protection Systems." [14] NGromicko, "Tree Dangers-Int'l Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI)," International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). [15] Y...
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...Science: Tacit Knowledge of Concrete before its Discovery at the Wayback Machine (archived May 5, 2010).   Nick Gromicko & Kenton Shepard. "the History of Concrete". The International...
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...May 5, 2010).   Nick Gromicko & Kenton Shepard. "the History of Concrete". The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). Retrieved 8 January 2013...
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In present era, rapid technological changes are also expended through architectural practice. In this study, we focus on establishing a new framework to integrate the building energy performance evaluation into urban scale evaluation strategies. This study presents the results of a literature review on the principles of LEED for Neighborhood Development and sustainable urbanism. Moreover, two case studies – a commercial building and a small-scale neighborhood – have been simulated using EnergyPlus to evaluate the performance of the building after using the LEED-ND principles for green buildings. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) is a system for rating and certifying green neighborhoods – developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED-ND integrates the principles of new urbanism, green building, and smart growth into the first national standard for neighborhood design, expanding LEED's scope beyond individual buildings to a more holistic concern about the context of those buildings.
...with nature. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. GromickoN., & Gromicko, B. (n.d.). Building Ori- entation for Optimum Energy [Organization]. Retrieved February 25, 2016, from https...
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...Algorithms in Search Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison: Wesley. GromickoN. (2014). Building Orientation for Optimum Energy. Dipetik Mei 19, 2014, dari
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...Publishing Company. GromickoN. (n.d.). InterNACHI: Inspecting the World. Retrieved May 6, 2013, from Generator Hazards and Inspection: Hemami, A...
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..., Dan Steward, Carl Fowler, Hollis Brown, Bob Pearson, Nick Gromicko, Jeff Donaldson, Dan Huber, Paul Zak, Mike Crow, Michael Casey, Kevin O'Malley 2012, . The Hungry Home Inspector is a how-to for...
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.... USA, Southwest New Mexico. GromickoN., Shepard, K., 2014. Soils and Settlement. Retrieved 25 Setiabudi, B., 2009. Pencegahan Banjir Dan...
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Hazards, examples of hazards, measures to prevent the hazard in construction site.
.... “Improving Construction Safety”, American Society of Safety Engineers, June: 55-68. (5) Nick Gromicko. 2016. Scaffold Inspection.
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...edition ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996, iSBN 0132047674. [3] NGromicko, Sewer gases in the home...
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...intelligent edition ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996, iSBN 0132047674. techniques applied was discussed. [3] NGromicko, “Sewer gases in the home...
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— In this paper, the feasibility of using electromagnetic (EM) waves is determining the moisture content of building fabrics and the case of water ingress in experimentally assessed. This paper will concentrate on investigating the propagation of EM waves through typical structures and their interaction with concealed pipework, wiring and timber. All current methods are overviewed and analysed. Novel microwave sensor described in this paper operates in 6 GHz to 12 GHz frequency range using Marconi 6200A microwave test set. Results of experimental test co n firm th a t m ic ro w a v es ca n b e u sed a s a n a lt ern a tiv e n o n-destructive method for identifying different object behind the walls.
.... pp. 1836-1849, 2004. [2] NGromicko and K. Shepard, “ Moisture Meters for Inspectors [14] D. Gadani...
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.../600/9-90/005c, Paper IV-3, 17 p. showing radon potential of rocks and soils in Montgomery County, Mary- Cohen, B. L., and GromickoN., 1988, Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes...
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This paper provides an easy-to-use screening methodology to estimate potential excess lifetime lung cancer risk resulting from indoor radon exposure. The methodology was developed under U.S. EPA Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation sponsorship of the agency&#39;s Integrated Environmental Management Projects (IEMP) and State/Regional Comparative Risk Projects. These projects help policymakers understand and use scientific data to develop environmental problem-solving strategies. This research presents the risk assessment methodology, discusses its basis, and identifies appropriate applications. The paper also identifies assumptions built into the methodology and qualitatively addresses methodological uncertainties, the direction in which these uncertainties could bias analyses, and their relative importance. The methodology draws from several sources, including risk assessment formulations developed by the U.S. EPA&#39;s Office of Radiation Programs, the EPA&#39;s Integrated En...
...Smoking and Health, Center for Health Promotion and Education, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta (September 11, 1987). COHEN, B. L., AND GROMICKON. (1988). Variation of radon levels in U.S...
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The geologic radon potential of the United States was recently assessed by the U.S. Geological Survey. Results indicate that approximately 33% of the U.S. population lives within geologic provinces where the average indoor radon levels have the potential to be greater than 4 pCi/L (147 Bq/m3). Rock types most commonly associated with high indoor radon include: 1) Uraniferous metamorphosed sediments, volcanics, and granite intrusives, especially those that are highly deformed or sheared. 2) Glacial deposits derived from uranium-bearing rocks and sediments. 3) Carboniferous, black shales. 4) Soils derived from carbonate rock, especially in karstic terrain. 5) Uraniferous fluvial, deltaic, marine, and lacustrine deposits. Different geologic terrains of the eastern United States illustrate some of the problems inherent in correlating indoor radon with geology. The Central and Southern Appalachian Highlands of the eastern United States have not been glaciated and most soils there are saprolitic, derived directly from the underlying bedrock. Regression analyses of bedrock geologic and radon parameters yield positive correlations (R > 0.5 to 0.9) and indicate that bedrock geology can account for a significant portion of the indoor radon variation. In glaciated areas of the United States such as the northern Appalachian Highlands and Appalachian Plateau, the correlation of bedrock geology to indoor radon is obscured or is positive only in certain cases. In these glaciated areas of the country, it is the type, composition, thickness, and permeability of glacial deposits, rather than the bedrock geology, that controls the radon source.
.... 1988 symposium on radon and radon reduction technology, Cohen, B.L.; GromickoN. Variation of radon levels in U.S. homes EPA/600-89 Report, Paper 111-4; 1988. Washington D.C...
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The Indoor Radon Abatement Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-551) directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify areas of the United States that have the potential to produce harmful levels of indoor radon. These characterizations were to be based on both geological data and on indoor radon levels in homes and other structures. The EPA also was directed to develop model standards and techniques for new building construction that would provide adequate prevention or mitigation of radon entry. As part of an Interagency Agreement between the EPA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the USGS has prepared radon potential estimates for the United States. This report is one of ten booklets that document this effort. The purpose and intended use of these reports is to help identify areas where states can target their radon program resources, to provide guidance in selecting the most appropriate building code options for areas, and to provide general information on radon and geology for each state for federal, state, and municipal officials dealing with radon issues.
...Study of Radon, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Environmental Radiation, upubl. report. Cohen, B.L. and GromickoN., 1988, University of Pittsburgh...
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The Indoor Radon Abatement Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-551) directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify areas of the United States that have the potential to produce harmful levels of indoor radon. These characterizations were to be based on both geological data and on indoor radon levels in homes and other structures. The EPA also was directed to develop model standards and techniques for new building construction that would provide adequate prevention or mitigation of radon entry. As part of an Interagency Agreement between the EPA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the USGS has prepared radon potential estimates for the United States. This report is one of ten booklets that document this effort. The purpose and intended use of these reports is to help identify areas where states can target their radon program resources, to provide guidance in selecting the most appropriate building code options for areas, and to provide general information on radon and geology for each state for federal, state, and municipal officials dealing with radon issues.
...Publishers, p. 437-447. Cohen, B., and GromickoN., 1988, University of Pittsburgh measurements in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania, in W.J. Makofske and M.R. Edelstein, ed...
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The construction scenario in rural areas of India is getting highly influenced by the materials like cement and steel, as it gives the long life to the structure but in turn it increases the overall cost of construction. These materials like cement and steel use energy extensively from its very beginning to its completion and even after for its maintenance in many forms. Without focusing on availability of renewable construction material in near vicinity of rural areas and also not utilizing the locally produced material, the pressure is increasing on conventional resources. This situation demands the attention of rural community on naturally available renewable local resources and cost effective materials, which will give the same result as that of cement and steel, but economically viable. Bamboo is one such material, which can be used by the rural community in their construction, which has extensive potential in building industry when supported with required treatment and trained workers. The main focus of this paper is to promote the use of bamboo as cost effective material. The present paper suggests the use of bamboo in combination with modern material technology as a building material in rural construction.
...of India [13] Nick Gromicko, “Bamboo Construction and Inspection”, available at http...
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...rocked the international banking world and earned a six –and –a half year jail sentence in Singapore for Nick Leeson, a 28-year old trader whose derivative trading activities were blamed for the disaster...
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