InterNACHI Certified Proctor Logo

InterNACHI is pleased to announce the InterNACHI Certified Proctor program and logo. Existing home inspectors and their employees can serve as neutral third-party proctors for examinees who, for whatever reasons, may wish to have an exam proctored.

Be aware that in certain states, examinees are legally required to complete exams in a proctored setting and InterNACHI's program requirements for those states may differ from the outline below. 

1. For individuals interested in proctoring in the state of Florida see here:

2. For individuals interested in proctoring in the state of Illinois see here:

3. For individuals interested in proctoring in the province of Alberta see here:

The proctor must be a member of InterNACHI® and be a neutral third party in relation to a potential examinee. Proctors are not allowed to proctor participants taking the examination if they are related by blood, marriage, domestic partnership, or any other relationship which might reasonably influence the proctor in properly administering the exam.

The process for conducting proctored examinations shall assure that the student who takes the proctored examination is the same person who enrolled in the program and that their examination results will reflect the student’s own knowledge and competence in accordance with stated educational objectives and learning outcomes.

Proctored Examination Process:

  1. The student contacts the proctor to schedule an exam session.
  2. At the exam session, the proctor shall verify the examinee's identification by various methods, including face-to-face communication, unique membership ID card, and photo identification.
  3. After the proctor asks the examinee to show a photo ID, the proctor may take a photo of the examinee for archiving. The proctor may ask the examinee to answer a few questions about themselves based on the information from their InterNACHI® member's profile, including their member ID number.
  4. The proctor monitors the examinee during the entire session.
  5. After successful completion of the course, the proctor must fill out and sign InterNACHI's Proctored Exam Form and return it within 24 hours of the session to the student for their records. 

Proctor's Responsibilities

The proctor shall: 

  • arrange a proctoring date and time with the student;
  • not allow anyone else to substitute as the proctor;
  • review each exam for special requirements as may be requested by InterNACHI®;
  • verify the student's identity per their photo ID;
  • ask the examinee for their contact information, including:
    • full name (must match the name on their photo ID);
    • email address;
    • business or company name;
    • business address; and
    • phone number.
  • optionally take a digital photo of the examinee during the exam session;
  • inform the student of what they are and are not allowed to use during the exam. Computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, and all other electronic devices must be turned off and put away. No texting, email, phone calls, or phone camera use is allowed;
  • make sure the student is aware of the time limit for the exam. Proctors do not need to keep track of time for the student taking a proctored online exam because InterNACHI’s online exam system provides that feature;
  • make sure the student logs into the correct exam;
  • begin and end the scheduled exam session on time;
  • supervise the student taking the exam;
  • terminate the exam if the testing procedure is compromised due to the student's improper conduct;
  • be careful when dealing with perceived irregularities. In most cases, the student should not be confronted during the exam. The behavior/evidence should be noted and/or collected and submitted to InterNACHI® at It is InterNACHI’s sole purview to determine whether any irregularities have taken place;
  • note the start and end times of any student break. Student breaks do not stop the exam session time. The clock does not stop. The break should not exceed five minutes; 
  • the examinee must be seated in a well-lit, quiet, and private area. The lighting of the room must be daylight quality, and overhead lighting is preferred. If overhead lighting is not available, the examinee must make sure that the light source is adequate;
  • allow the student to use their mobile/cell phone only when necessary in case of an emergency;
  • contact InterNACHI® as soon as possible if unusual circumstances occur; 

Examinee's Responsibilities:

  • It is the responsibility of the student to be on time for the exam. 
  • They must provide the proctor with a current photo ID, their name, their address, the date, the name of the course or exam, their InterNACHI® membership ID, and other data to confirm their identity. 
  • Review each exam for special requirements.
  • Make sure they are taking the correct exam.
  • Bring any irregularities to the attention of the proctor immediately. In most instances, concerns are easier to correct during the exam than after the exam.
  • Do not use or refer to any electronic devices, notes, paper, books, or printed materials during breaks.
  • Break times are counted against test time. The testing period does not stop.
  • Noise must be kept to a minimum.
  • Limit the use of mobile/cell phones to only in case of emergency.
  • The student must not communicate with others during the test.
  • Keep their Certificate of Completion, available for download at their InterNACHI® Member Dashboard, from the day they completed the proctored exam AND the proctored exam form in a secure location for their records. 

Need help? 


Ben Gromicki, Chief Operating Officer


Jazmin Swenson (FL, AB)


Kaela Passarelli (IL)